- Yew
Yew may refer to:
*Any of various coniferous trees and shrubs in the genus "
Taxus ":
**European Yew orCommon Yew ("Taxus baccata")
**Pacific Yew orWestern Yew ("Taxus brevifolia")
**Canadian Yew ("Taxus canadensis")
**Chinese Yew ("Taxus chinensis")
**Japanese Yew ("Taxus cuspidata")
**Florida Yew ("Taxus floridana")
**Mexican Yew ("Taxus globosa")
**Sumatran Yew ("Taxus sumatrana")
**Himalayan Yew ("Taxus wallichiana")
*Any of various coniferous plants in the familiesTaxaceae andCephalotaxaceae :
**White-berry Yew ("Pseudotaxus chienii")
**New Caledonian Yew orSouthern Yew ("Austrotaxus spicata")
**Catkin-yew ("Amentotaxus sp.")
**Plum-yew ("Cephalotaxus sp.")
*Any of the various coniferous plants in the familyPodocarpaceae which are superficially similar to other yews:
**Prince Albert's Yew ("Saxegothaea conspicua")
**Plum-yew ("Prumnopitys sp.")pecific trees
Fortingall Yew , the oldest tree in EuropePlace names
*in Singapore:
**Yew Tee , a district
**Yew Tee MRT Station
**Yew Lian Park
*in the United Kingdom
**Yew Tree, Liverpool
**Yew Tree Tarn , a lake in theLake District
**Yew Tree, West Bromwich
**Kenn Church, Kenn Pier & Yew Tree Farm SSSI , a Site of Special Scientific InterestFictional place names
Yew Dales , the home of Ull the winter god in Norse mythology
*Yew, a city-state in the fictional Ultima universeNovels
The Rose and the Yew Tree by Agatha Christie
*The Enchanted Island of Yew by L. Frank BaumPeople
Lui Tuck Yew , Singaporean rear admiral
*Lim Yew Hock , Singaporean chief minister
*Lee Kuan Yew , Singaporean prime ministerOthers
Yew Chung International School
*You (disambiguation)
*Ewe (disambiguation)
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