Fredrik Strömberg

Fredrik Strömberg

infobox author
name=Fredrik Strömberg

birthdate=Birth date and age|1968|7|14|df=y
caption=Fredrik Strömberg at Gothenburg Book Fair 2007
occupation=Journalist & author

Fredrik Strömberg (born 14 July 1968) is one of Sweden's most well known journalists and authors in the field of comics. He is the chairman of Seriefrämjandet (the Swedish Comics Association), the editor for Bild & Bubbla, the headmaster for a comics art school and works since the early 1990s full time with comics.


Stromberg started his professional career as a freelance journalist in 1994, and he has since then written for a large number of publications including "Dagens Nyheter", "Metro", "Arbetet Nyheterna", "Sydsvenskan", "Svensk Bokhandel", "International Journal of Comic Art", "Strip!", and "Stripschrift".

Strömberg has been the chairman of Seriefrämjandet (the Swedish Comics Association) since 1997, and is one of the editors of the magazine "Bild & Bubbla" and a member of the Urhunden jury. He was also one of the driving forces behind the establishment of Seriecenter (the Comics Art Centre) in Malmö and Seriearkivet (the Swedish Comics Archive) in Lund.

In 1999, Strömberg made his debut as an author with the book "100 oumbärliga seriealbum" (100 Indispensable Comic Books), and has since written several books, published in different languages. The book "", published by Fantagraphics Books in the US, was nominated for an Eisner Award.

Since 1999 Strömberg has been one of the headmasters for Serieskolan i Malmö (the Comics Art School of Malmö), a school which has trained comics artists like Kim W. Andersson, Niklas Asker, Malin Biller, Eva Björkstrand, Adam Blomgren, Åsa Ekström, Loka Kanarp, Coco Moodysson and Liv Strömquist.

Strömberg is the Swedish representative on the International Editorial Board for the International Journal of Comic Art and also the Swedish representative on the Consultative Committee of European Comic Art.

Strömberg also works as a curator for exhibitions about comics, and has created exhibitions such as "", "Manga! - de japanska seriernas intåg", "Duckomenta Malmö" and "Sanningen bodde inte i honom".


* "100 oumbärliga seriealbum", Bibliotekstjänst, 1999
* "Serienegern – En bildberättelse om fördomar", Seriefrämjandet, 2001
* "Vad är tecknade serier? En begreppsanalys", Seriefrämjandet, 2003
* "Swedish Comics History", Seriefrämjandet, 2003
* "Black Images in the Comics", Fantagraphics Books, 2003
* "The Comics Go to Hell", Fantagraphics Books 2005
* "Seriebiblioteket", Bibliotekstjänst 2005
* "Manga! - Japanska serier och skaparglädje", Seriefrämjandet 2007
* "Mangabiblioteket - introduktion till den asiatiska seriekulturen", Bibliotekstjänst 2008

External links

* [ Sekventiellt (official homepage)]
* [ Seriefrämjandet ]
* [ Fantagraphics ]

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