

Joyeuse was the name of Charlemagne's personal sword. The name translates as "joyful". Some legends claim that it was forged to contain the Lance of Longinus within its pommel—others state it was supposedly smithed from the same materials as Roland's Durendal and Ogier's Curtana. [Bullfinch's Mythology, Legends of Charlemagne, Chapter 24]

The 11th century "Song of Roland" describes the sword::" [Charlemagne] was wearing his fine white coat of mail and his helmet with gold-studded stones; by his side hung Joyeuse, and never was there a sword to match it; its color changed thirty times a day."

Some seven hundred years later, "Bulfinch's Mythology" would describe Charlemagne using "Joyeuse" to behead the Saracen commander Corsuble, as well as knighting his comrade Ogier the Dane.

It is alleged to have been interred with Charlemagne's body, or contrarily to be held by the Saint Denis Basilica, where it was later retired into the Louvre after being carried at the front of Coronation processionals for French kings. Another supposed Joyeuse is held at the Imperial Treasury in Vienna.

The town of Joyeuse in Ardèche, is supposedly named after the sword: Joyeuse was allegedly lost in a battle, and retrieved by one of the knights of Charlemagne; to thank him, Charlemagne would have granted him an appanage named Joyeuse.


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