- Legal Department
The Legal Department (律政署), headed by the Attorney General, was the department responsible for the laws of
Hong Kong until 1997, when Hong Kong ceased to be a Britishcrown colony .The department was responsible for dealing with criminal cases and cases on behalf of the Government of Hong Kong. Since1997 , the names of the department and the position has been renamed the Department of Justice andSecretary for Justice respectively.Organization
The Attorney General's Office consisted of:
Prosecutions Division (Hong Kong) - the prosecution in the majority of Court of Appeals Instance and District Court* Civil Division - headed by the Law Officer (Civil Law), provides legal advice on civil law to all Government bureaux and departments and represents the Government both as solicitors and as barristers in all civil litigation, including arbitrations
* Legal Policy Division - is responsible for drafting all Government legislation
* Law Drafting Division - servicing the needs of the Solicitor General, and giving legal policy advice in respect of matters currently being considered by the Government
* International Law Division - is headed by the Law Officer (International Law) and provides advice on public international law to the Government and negotiates, or provides legal advisers on negotiations, for bilateral agreements
* Administration and Development Division - is headed by the Director of Administration and Development
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