San Base

San Base

San Base is a contemporary Canadian artist, born Dec 01 1956 in Russia. He graduated from school of Fine Arts in 1974. Also San Base received his PhD in Cybernetics from the Technical University in 1979.

Life and Work

San Base used to work out complex computer codes in various visual applications when he began to see a possibility of combining his long standing interest in art with sophisticated mathematical approaches, and thus employing new electronic media for his artistic creations.

In 2002 San Base devised a Dynamic Painting concept, i.e. an algorithm, which allowed to place an art object on a computer screen and make it no static, but changing and transforming with time. Dynamic Painting technology uses powerful video cards to generate real-time images that rival most of the conventional contemporary painting.

Since 1996 San Base lives and works in Toronto.


*Gallery Gora Montreal Canada
*ArtEscapes Valencia Spain
*Yorkville TPL Toronto Canada
*Grifon gallery Izhevsk Russia
*GA2007 Milan Italy


* [ Self-shifting digital paintings]
* [,1639-2.html San Base And Dynamic Painting]

External links

* [ San Base home page]
* [ San Base Studio]
* [ Dynamic Painting demo]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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