- Electrical brain stimulation
Electrical brain stimulation is a technique used in
research andclinical neurobiology to stimulate aneuron orneural network in thebrain through the direct or indirectexcitation of itscell membrane by using anelectric current . It is used for research or for therapeutical purposes.History of research applications
Electrical brain stimulation was first used in the first half of the
19th century by pioneering researchers such asLuigi Rolando (1773-1831) andPierre Flourens (1794-1867), to study thebrain localization of function , following the discovery by Italianphysician Luigi Galvani (1737-1798) thatnerve s andmuscle s were electrically excitable. The stimulation of the surface of thecerebral cortex by using brain stimulation was used to investigate themotor cortex in animals by researchers such asEduard Hitzig (1838-1907),Gustav Fritsch (1838-1927),David Ferrier (1842-1928) andFriedrich Goltz (1834-1902). The human cortex was also stimulated electrically byneurosurgeon s andneurologist s such asRobert Bartholow (1831-1904) andFedor Krause (1857-1937).In the following century, the technique was improved by the invention of the
stereotactic method by British neurosurgeon pioneerVictor Horsley (1857-1916), and by the development ofchronic electrode implants bySwiss neurophysiologist Walter Rudolf Hess (1881-1973), José Delgado (1915-) and others, by usingelectrode s manufactured by straight insulatedwire that could be inserted deep into the brain of freely-behaving animals, such ascat s andmonkey s. This approach was used byJames Olds (1922-1976) and colleagues to discoverbrain stimulation reward and thepleasure center . American-Canadian neurosurgeonWilder Penfield (1891-1976) and colleagues at theMontreal Neurological Institute used extensively electrical stimulation of the brain cortex in awake neurosurgical patients to investigate the motor and sensoryhomunculus (the representation of the body in the brain cortex according to the distribution of motor and sensory territories).Therapeutic applications
Examples of therapeutic EBS are:
Transcranial direct current stimulation
*Deep brain stimulation
*Functional electrical stimulation
*Brain pacemaker s,brain implant s andneuromodulator s
*Neuroprosthesis andvisual prosthesis Transcranial magnetic stimulation usesmagnetic field s to induce currents at membrane level, also for therapeutic purposes.Strong electric currents may cause a localized lesion in the nervous tissue, instead of a functional reversible stimulation. This property has been used for neurosurgical procedures in a variety of treatments, such as for Parkinson's disease, focal
epilepsy andpsychosurgery . Sometimes the same electrode is used to probe the brain for finding defective functions, before passing the lesioning current (electrocoagulation ).ee also
International Neuromodulation Society External links
Renato M.E. Sabbatini . [http://www.cerebromente.org.br/n18/history/stimulation_i.htm The History of Electrical Stimulation of the Brain] . "Brain & Mind" Magazine.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.