Eeva-Liisa Manner

Eeva-Liisa Manner

Eeva-Liisa Manner (1921, Helsinki - 1995, Tampere), Finnish poet, playwright and translator. She started as a poet in 1944 (Mustaa ja punaista; "Black and Red"). From her brake-trough collection of poems, Tämä matka ("This Journey", 1956) she has been seen as one of the most influential modernists in postwar Finland.

Eeva-Liisa Manner wrote over fifteen original collections of poems, plays for theater and radio, novels and short prose. She translated widely contemporary and classic literature, including names like Shakespeare, Hesse and Kafka.

Her work has been translated to many European languages. Translation of Manners Selected Poems in English was published in 1997.

Manner about her youth

The war years shadowed my youth. I was seventeen when the Russian planes started bombarding my home town of Wiborg on 30 November, 1939, damaging it badly. At armistice, Wiborg had to be yielded, it remained behind the border- an endless source of nostalgia for one who had a catlike, persevering fondness for homestead. Even as a ten-year-old, I had spine- chilling dreams about the destruction of Wiborg, and from those times onwards I have been haunted by reflections about the nature and mystery of time. I believe that we have a false conception of time; everything has already happened some- where in an unknown dimension.

External links

* [ Britannica Online Encyclopedia]
* [ Books From Finland]
* [ Enchanting Beasts - An Anthology of Modern Women Poets in Finland]

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