Robert John Simmons

Robert John Simmons

First Sergeant 'Robert John Simmons' was a Bermudian who served in the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment during the US Civil War.

A former clerk, probably from St. George's, Simmons is believed to have joined the 54th on 12th March, 1863 (many Black and White Bermudians fought for the Union, mostly in the US Navy. [>cite web
title=Fighting to save America's soul
format=Nespaper article
publisher=The Royal Gazette
date=August 9, 2008
] Many more profiteered from the war by smuggling arms to the South).

The regiment was raised in March, 1863 by the Governor of Massachusetts, John A. Andrew. Commanded by Colonel Robert Gould Shaw, it sprang to life after the passage of the Emancipation Proclamation. Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton decided white officers would be in charge of all "colored" units. Colonel Shaw was hand picked by Governor John Andrew. Governor Andrew also selected Norwood Penrose "Pen" Hallowell as the unit's second in command.cite book
author=Emilio, Luis F.
title=A Brave Black regiment: the history of the Fifty-fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, 1863-1865
publisher=Da Capo Press
location=New York

Simmons was introduced to Frances George Shaw, father of Col. Shaw, by William Wells Brown, a prominent abolitionist lecturer, novelist, playwright, historian and former slave, who described him as "a young man of more than ordinary abilities who had learned the science of war in the British Army". In his book, "The Negro in the American Rebellion", Brown wrote that "Frances George Shaw remarked at the time that Simmons would make a 'valuable soldier'. Col. Shaw also had a high opinion of him".

The regiment gained recognition on July 18, 1863, when it spearheaded an assault on Fort Wagner near Charleston, South Carolina. At this battle, Colonel Shaw was killed, along with one-hundred and sixteen of his men. Another hundred and fifty-six were wounded or captured [ cite web
title=Exhibit: 54th Mass Casualty List
publisher=National Archives and Records Administration
] . The total casualties of 272 would be the highest total for the 54th in a single engagement during the war. Although the Union was not able to take and hold the fort, the 54th was widely acclaimed for its valor, and the event helped encourage the further enlistment and mobilization of African-American troops, a key development that President Abraham Lincoln once noted as helping to secure the final victory.

Sgt. Simmons was among the casualties of the battle for Ft. Wagner, wounded and captured by the Confederates. An article in the July 28, 1863 edition of the "Weekly Columbus Enquirer", described him as "a brave man and of good education. He was wounded and captured. Taken to Charleston, his bearing impressed even his captors. After suffering amputation of the arm, he died there." The newspaper also described him as saying that he fought "for glory".

Although Simmons was not mentioned by name, he was described as a Bermudian sergeant, leaving no doubt as to his identity: "One of the negroes is a remarkably sprightly fellow from Bermuda where he was educated as a soldier. His position is that of an Orderly Sergeant, but he has lost an arm, and probably one leg will go."

"A third of the `glory' for which he says he came to fight, being thus amputated, he will in the future be a wiser man. The others are a mongrel set of trash and very fair representatives of the common type of free Northern negro." [cite web
title=Historian hopes to write 'Glory' book
format=Nespaper article
publisher=The Royal Gazette
date=June 14, 2002
] . Simmons also received special mention by Shaw's successor, Col. Hallowell, brother of Norwood Hallowell, and was awarded a private medal. He died of his wounds in August, 1863, at the age of 26. []

By 1989, Robert Simmons was a forgotten footnote of the history of the 54th Massachusetts. His having fought "for glory" was not known to the filmakers who, that year, released the Academy Award winning film "Glory", which told the story of the unit. The film starred Matthew Broderick as Shaw, Denzel Washington, Morgan Freeman, Cary Elwes, and Andre Braugher. The film re-established the now-popular image of the combat role African-Americans played in the Civil War, and the unit, often represented in historical battle reenactments, now has the nickname "The Glory Regiment".


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