- Juliana's
Juliana's, also known as Juliana's Tokyo, was a
Japan esediscothèque in that operated inShibaura , Minato,Tokyo [Brand, "Tokyo Night City", p. 34.] in the early 1990s. It was famous for its dance platforms, on whichoffice lady s dressed in "bodycon" (Nihongo|abbr. (wasei-eigo ): "body conscious"|ボディコン|bodeikon|"sexually flattering clothing" [Jim Breen 'sWWWJDIC , [http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jwb/cgi-bin/wwwjdic.cgi?1MDJ%A5%DC%A5%C7%A5%A3%A5%B3%A5%F3 ボディコン] .] )clubwear would congregate, as amateur go-go dancers (professionals were also employed). [Schilling, "The Encyclopedia of Japanese Pop Culture", pp.76, 78.] The club was produced by Masahiro Origuchi [Kawakami, "Survivors: two approaches to survival in Japan's unkind economy".] [Trends in Japan, "Disco Icon Sets Out To Conquer Nursing Care".] for the British leisure services group Wembley PLC, andNissho Iwai Corporation , the Japanese general trading company (now part ofSojitz ). [Schilling, "The Encyclopedia of Japanese Pop Culture", p.77.]The club "Disco Queen" in chapters 18, 19, and 21 of the rugby
manga "No Side" [Nihongo|ノーサイド|"No Side"|("Nō Saido") volume 3, pp. 32–3, 35, 66–68, 111–123. ISBN 4088750705.] by Nihongo|Ikeda Fumiharu|池田文春 [PRISMS: The Ultimate Manga Guide, [http://users.skynet.be/mangaguide/au493.html#E2686 "No Side"] . Accessed10 August 2008 .] is a reference to Juliana's, down to the white feather fans used by the dancers. [Fujino, Chiya. [http://books.google.com/books?id=oB_q_-ncDIgC&pg=PA144&lpg=PA144&dq=%22Juliana's%22+disco&source=web&ots=AF9pef1k5a&sig=2DT0tJ_lEXmyo3EtSvO7wsUXdco&hl=en&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=3&ct=result#PPA145,M1 "Her Room"] . In Ozeki, Ruth, and Cathy Layne. "Inside and Other Short Fiction: Japanese Women by Japanese Women"; with a foreword by Ruth Ozeki; compiled by Cathy Layne, p. 144. Tokyo: Kodansha International, 2006. ISBN 4770030061. Accessed10 August 2008 .]Notes
Associated Press . [http://wc.arizona.edu/~wildcat/papers/old-wildcats/fall94/September/September1,1994/18_1_m.html "Juliana's craze ceases"] ,September 1 ,1994 . Accessed10 August 2008 .
* Brand, Jude. "Tokyo Night City". Rutland, Vermont: Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1993. ISBN 0804818967.
* Kawakami, Sumie. [http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0NTN/is_38/ai_108882049/pg_4 "Survivors: two approaches to survival in Japan's unkind economy: meet the fighter and the surfer - H.I.S. president Hideo Sawada and Goodwill Group CEO Masahiro Origuchi"] . "Japan, Inc.", December 2002. Accessed10 August 2008 .
* Schilling, Mark. "Juliana's" in "The Encyclopedia of Japanese Pop Culture". New York: Weatherhill, 1997. ISBN 0834803801.
* Sterngold, James. [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9E0CE3D71F3FF93BA25753C1A964958260&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=2 "A Night on the Town in Tokyo"] . "The New York Times ",October 18 ,1992 . Accessed10 August 2008 .
* Trends in Japan. [http://web-japan.org/trends00/honbun/tj000628.html "Disco Icon Sets Out To Conquer Nursing Care: Former Club Producer Ventures Into New Territory"] ,June 30 ,2000 . Accessed10 August 2008 .
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