- The Economy of Esteem
The Economy of Esteem is a book by
Geoffrey Brennan andPhilip Pettit describing the role ofself-esteem andhonour in theeconomy . It was published in 2005 byOxford University Press .According to Brennan, others who have historically paid attention to the role of esteem in
motivation include:"from Cicero and Polybius through Thomas Aquinas to Hobbes, Locke, Montesquieu, Hume, the American Founding Fathers, Kant, and notably Adam Smith"THE ESTEEM ENGINE: A RESOURCE FOR INSTITUTIONAL DESIGN. by Geoffrey Brennan [http://www.assa.edu.au/Publications/op/op12005.pdf] ] Though Brennan argues that modern 'invisible hand' economics neglects the importance of esteem.Evidence:
"the behavior of suicide bombers in terrorist cadres; or the enthusiasm with whichsoldiers volunteer in situations of imminent warfare; or the stability ofapparently perverse norms, like the caste system in India. What of the intensetraining, commitment and effort expended by athletes – even amateurathletes?"What is unique about esteem among currencies
*esteem can't be traded- "esteem is necessarily produced under conditions ofautarky "
*esteem is subject to theparadox of hedonism ISBN 9780199289813
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