Black-eyed Susan

Black-eyed Susan

Black-eyed Susan may refer to one of several things:
* Black-eyed Susan is the usual common name of a number of garden flowers:
** "Rudbeckia hirta", a member of the sunflower tribe of the large family Asteraceae
** A number of other members of the genus "Rudbeckia"
** The Black-eyed Susan, "Hibiscus trionum" in the family Malvaceae
** The Black-eyed Susan vine, "Thunbergia alata", in the family Acanthaceae
* Some members of the Australian plant genus Tetratheca (Tremandraceae)

* In music:
** 'Black-eyed Susan' or 'All in the Downs' is an iconic song by John Gay (1685 - 1732)
** "Blackeyed Susan" is the name of a song by the Triffids, written by David McComb from the album "The Black Swan" (1989)
** 'The Blackeyed Susans' is the name of an Australian band, named after the Triffids song
** 'The Black-eyed Susans' is also the name of a jazz quartet from Baltimore
** "Black-eyed Susan" is a Morrissey song from his album "My Early Burglary Years"
** "Black Eyed Susan" is a Paul Westerberg song from his album "14 Songs"

* The name of a play, Black Eyed Susan.
* Black-Eyed Susan is also the name of a cocktail which is the official drink of the Preakness stakes horse race. [] It consists of 2 parts Bourbon whiskey, 1 part citrus vodka, 3 parts sweet & sour mix, one part orange juice and garnished with orange and a cocktail cherry.

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  • Black-eyed Susan — Black eyed Su san (Bot.) (a) The coneflower, or yellow daisy ({Rudbeckia hirta}). (b) The bladder ketmie. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • black-eyed Susan — [so͞o′zən] n. ☆ 1. any of several common North American wildflowers of several families (esp. genera Thunbergia and Rudbeckia of the acanthus and composite families) having flowers with yellow petals or bracts around a dark center 2. the flower… …   English World dictionary

  • black-eyed Susan — noun 1. tropical African climbing plant having yellow flowers with a dark purple center • Syn: ↑black eyed Susan vine, ↑Thunbergia alata • Hypernyms: ↑vine • Member Holonyms: ↑Thunbergia, ↑genus Thunbergia …   Useful english dictionary

  • black-eyed Susan — Rudbeckia Rud*beck i*a, n. [NL. So named after Olaf Rudebeck, a Swedish botanist.] (Bot.) A genus of composite plants, the coneflowers, consisting of perennial herbs with showy pedunculate heads, having a hemispherical involucre, sterile ray… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • black-eyed Susan — plaukuotoji rudbekija statusas T sritis vardynas atitikmenys: lot. Rudbeckia hirta angl. black eyed Susan; yellow daisy; late flowering rudbeckia vok. einjähriger Sonnenhut; kurzhaarige Rudbeckie; rauhaariger Sonnenhut; rauher Sonnenhut rus.… …   Dekoratyvinių augalų vardynas

  • black-eyed Susan — plunksnalapė rudbekija statusas T sritis vardynas atitikmenys: lot. Rudbeckia laciniata angl. black eyed Susan; cutleaf coneflower; golden glow; laciniate coneflower; thimble weed vok. gelbe Sommerdahlie; schlitzblättriger Sonnenhut rus. рудбекия …   Dekoratyvinių augalų vardynas

  • black-eyed Susan — sparnuotoji tunbergija statusas T sritis vardynas atitikmenys: lot. Thunbergia alata angl. black eyed Susan; thunbergia vok. Schwarze Susanne; schwarzäugige Susanne rus. тунбергия крылатая …   Dekoratyvinių augalų vardynas

  • black-eyed Susan — black eyed Su|san [ ,blæk aıd suzn ] noun count an orange yellow flower with a dark center that grows mainly in North America …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • black-eyed Susan — black′ eyed Su′san n. pln any of a number of composite plants having daisylike flowers with a dark center disk and usu. yellow ray flowers • Etymology: 1890–95, amer …   From formal English to slang

  • Black-Eyed Susan Stakes — Horseraces infobox class = Grade II horse race = Black Eyed Susan Stakes caption = location = Pimlico Race Course Baltimore, Maryland flagicon|USA inaugurated = 1919 race type = Thoroughbred Flat racing website =… …   Wikipedia

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