Robert Struble, Jr.

Robert Struble, Jr.

Robert Clayton Struble, Jr. (1943- ) is the author of [ Treatise on Twelve Lights] , an interactive book of some 1000 pages published online in 2005, and revised 2007-08. The online publisher is Struble’s non-profit corporation, TeLL, inc., the [ Twelve Lights League] . In addition, Struble has written sporadically for scholarly journals, beginning with the Winter 1979-80 edition of Political Science Quarterly.


Struble is a retired history/social studies teacher. During 17 years over the period 1981-2007, Struble taught in the public and private schools of Washington State. American football, soccer, and chess are among the extra-curricular activities that he has coached, including a student team to the Washington state chess championship of 1993. [Struble's [ online resume] . This source is the basis for much of this article.]

For two years in the mid-1980s he was the resident historian at Sea Pines Abroad, a private prep school in Faistenau bei Salzburg, Austria, a job which he described as his “belated grand tour.”


Struble’s political career consisted mainly of party politics in the state of Washington. He served three biennial terms (1995-1998) as GOP state committeeman from Kitsap County, but in 2007 he resigned formally from the Republican Party over the issue of torture. ["Ex-GOP Official Quits Party Over Torture," "Kitsap Sun", 12/18/07, p. A12.] He served also on the steering committee (1990-92) of LIMIT, which ran Initiative 573, the term limits law passed by the electorate of WA State in November, 1992. In 1993 he wrote a history of this campaign in, “Second Time A Charm: Term Limits in Washington State,” a paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the "Western Political Science Association", Pasadena, CA, 3/18/93.

Ancestory, Education & Personal

Struble was born June 7, 1943 to Ruth (Cowan) Struble and Bob Struble, Sr., then a Captain in the U.S. Army and later a recognized welfare reformer. He is also great-grandson of Iowa City pioneer, John T. Struble, and great-grandnephew of 19th century political leaders, Congressman Isaac Struble and Speaker of the Iowa House, George R. Struble.

He attended parochial schools grades 1-12, graduating with honors from Blanchet High School in Seattle. During his senior year, Struble won a national essay contest and was named all conference quarterback for the Northwest Catholic football league. ["Blanchet Pupil Top Essayist, " Seattle Times, 5/19/1961.] During his college years at San Diego State he served as graduate representative and administrative vice-president of the student body during the tumult of the 1960s; also as campus chairman of SMC, the student mobilization committee against the Vietnam War. At SDSU he was admitted to a chapter of "Phi Alpha Theta", the honor society in History, and to another chapter of the same honor society at Eastern Washington University. At EWU he took his second BA (in Education).Struble has traveled on every continent in the Northern Hemisphere. He enjoys a variety of music, plays piano, writes poetry, and competes in the local chess club. His memberships include the Knights of Columbus, the Ft. Nisqually Foundation, the Washington Bluegrass Association, and the National Association of Scholars.

In 1988 he married Jeryl (Bangs) Struble, a schoolteacher, singer, and Russian translator. Their three children are Kathryn (b. 1989), Daniel (b. 1993), and Michael (b. 1998). The family lives in Bremerton, Washington.

Academic and literary publications

Robert Struble, Jr. and Z.W. Jahre, "Rotation in Office: Rapid but Restricted to the House," "PS: Political Science & Politics" 24 (March 1991): 34-37. Available online via [ JSTOR]

Robert Struble, Jr., "Second Time A Charm: Term Limits in Washington State," paper delivered at the 1993 Annual Meeting of the "Western Political Science Association", Pasadena, CA, March 18, 1993.

Robert Struble, Jr., "House Turnover and the Principle of Rotation," "Political Science Quarterly" 94 (Winter 1979-80): 649-667. Available online via [ JSTOR]

Robert Struble, “Ádapting Term Limits to A Bicameral Congress,” "The Long Term View" 1 (Winter, 1992): 12. Quarterly publication of the Massachusetts School of Law at Andover.

Robert Struble, Jr., “My Quarrel with Libertarianism,” "Fidelity" 15 (March 1996), pp. 17-19. Published by Ultramontaine Associates, South Bend, Indiana.

Robert Struble, “Of Heroes and the Rule of Law,” "National Catholic Register", (Oct. 12-18, 2003), p. 8.

Robert Struble, Jr., "Toward a Structural Solution to Unemployment,” "International Journal of Social Economics" 20, no. 11 (1993): 15-26. Published in UK, MCB University Press, Bradford, England.


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