- Atlantic, Seattle, Washington
Atlantic is the northernmost neighborhood of the Rainier Valley, between Mount Baker Ridge and Beacon Hill. Atlantic is in turn located in the Central District of east-central
Seattle, Washington , though it may also be considered part of South Seattle and the Rainier Valley. Atlantic contains the Judkins Park neighborhood.Atlantic is triangular, bounded on the north by E Yesler Way, beyund which are Mann and Minor neighborhoods; on the east by Martin Luther King, Jr. Way S, beyond which is Leschi on the Mount Baker Ridge; and on the west by Rainier Avenue S, beyound which is Yesler Terrace and the International District of
Downtown Seattle as well as North Beacon Hill (with S Jackson Street and 12th Avenue S filling out a northwest corner).Judkins Park is rectangular within Atlantic, bounded on the south by
Interstate 90 , and on the west by 20th Avenue S. (Like Atlantic, Judkins Park is bounded on the north by E Yesler Way, on the east by Martin Luther King, Jr. Way S.) [(1) Central Area (Central District) [http://clerk.ci.seattle.wa.us/public/nmaps/html/NN-1280S.htm] , Atlantic [http://clerk.ci.seattle.wa.us/public/nmaps/S/NN-1290S.htm] , Downtown [http://clerk.ci.seattle.wa.us/public/nmaps/html/NN-1240S.htm] , Beacon Hill [http://clerk.ci.seattle.wa.us/public/nmaps/html/NN-1410S.htm]
(2) cite web
last =
first =
date =2006-04-30, revised
year =
month =
title ="About the Seattle City Clerk's On-line Information Services"
work =Information Services
publisher =Seattle City Clerk's Office
accessdate =2006-05-21
See heading, "Note about limitations of these data".
(3) Merritt & Goldsmith
(4) Judkins Foundation]As part of the Central Area (now the Central District), Atlantic is part of Seattle's oldest residential neighborhoods.
The neighborhood suffered long and greatly during the 1960s through the early 1990s with the disruptions and widenings of
Interstate 90 that wiped out a large number of homes in the area and divided the west of the neighborhood. [Wilma] It wasn't until the 1990s that large-scale development started again in the area.Fact|date=February 2007Judkins has typically been an area of racial diversity. In the 1990s, it was estimated that 55% of the population was
African American , 22%Asian American andPacific Islander American , and 18%White American .Fact|date=February 2007Notes and references
* cite web | last = | first = | date =2006-04-30, revised | year = | month = | url=http://clerk.ci.seattle.wa.us/~public/about.htm | title ="About the Seattle City Clerk's On-line Information Services" | work =Information Services | publisher =Seattle City Clerk's Office
accessdate =2006-05-21
See heading, "Note about limitations of these data".
Maps "NN-1120S", "NN-1130S", "NN-1140S".jpg[sic] dated 13 June; "NN-1030S", "NN-1040S".jpg dated17 June 2002 .
Also maps Central Area (Central District) [http://clerk.ci.seattle.wa.us/public/nmaps/html/NN-1280S.htm] , Downtown [http://clerk.ci.seattle.wa.us/public/nmaps/html/NN-1240S.htm] , and Beacon Hill [http://clerk.ci.seattle.wa.us/public/nmaps/html/NN-1410S.htm] .
"The Neighbors project was published weekly in the "Seattle Post-Intelligencer" from 1996 to 2000. This page remains available for archival purposes only and the information it contains may be outdated. For more updated information, please visit our [http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/webtowns/ Webtowns] section."
Wilma referenced Washington Department of Transportation, "I-90: The Homestretch, July 1992", Seattle Public Library, Seattle Room; "The Seattle Times", May 29, 1970, p. C-5,Further reading
* cite news
first =Vanessa
last =Ho
author =
coauthors =
url =http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/neighbors/judkins/
title =Once rejected, this urban community unites for the future
work =Neighbors project
publisher =Seattle Post-Intelligencer
pages =
page =
date =1997-01-18
accessdate =2006-08-06
Links to the following about Judkins Park: "I-90 decimated the neighborhood, but residents rebuilt it", "Bureaucratic snafus kept area in limbo", "Diversity and location are drawing new residents", "Neighbors have kept the faith alive".
* cite web
last =
first =
coauthors =
date =2006-07-31
year =
month =
url =http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/webtowns/town.asp?WTID=3
title ="Webtowns: Central Area"
work =
publisher =Seattle Post-Intelligencer
accessdate =2006-08-06
See columns "History": links "More about the Central Area's history", "See photos from the Central Area: New", "Seattle Neighborhoods site" (cityofseattle.net); and "Resources".
Links to local neighborhood weeklies.
* Keyword searches at HistoryLink.org [http://www.historylink.org/I-map/C.htm Central] .
* Keyword searches at [http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/home/ http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/home/ The Seattle Times] (free registration required for stories older than seven days).
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.