- Santiago Alba Bonifaz
Santiago Alba Bonifaz (
December 23 1872 -April 8 1949 ) was a Spanishpolitician , lawyer, and politician. He served as Minister of the Navy, Minister of Education and Science, Minister of the Interior, Minister of Housing, and Minister of Foreign Affairs during the reign ofAlfonso XIII .Born to a
middle class family with important political connections, he was the son of Obdulia Bonifaz (a relative ofManuel Ruiz Zorrilla ) and of César Alba García Oyuelos, a prominentValladolid lawyer. Alba grew up in Valladolid and studied at the university, receiving a law degree. He also began working for the "La Opinión" as editor-in-chief, and later bought the newspaper "El Norte de Castilla" in 1893, where he had also worked as a manager.Upon the death of her husband, Alba’s mother inherited an estate in
Cantabria , in the town ofNoja . When Alba became the firstMarquis of Albaicín , the estate became the Palacio del Albaicín. In 1918, after suffering from an accident in which his car crashed into a tree, he spent some time there recuperating. [ [http://hemerotecadigital.bne.es/datos1/paginas/internet/Madrid/Nuevo%20Mundo%20(Madrid)/1918/191809/19180913/19180913.pdf#search=%22noja%22&page=17 "Revista Nuevo Mundo". 13 de Septiembre de 1918] ] He married Enriqueta Delibes in 1897 and began his political career in the elections of 1901, as a representative of the partyUnión Nacional , earning a seat in theCortes as deputy for Valladolid province. He won the seat again in the 1903 elections -after switching to the Partido Liberal- but would give up his seat to become Subsecretary of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, and in the elections of 1905, he would again give up his seat in order to become Governor of theBank of Spain . In succeeding elections, which were held until 1936, he would again be elected deputy representing Valladolid, Granada, or Zamora provinces. From 1933 to 1935, he was President of the Cortes.Ministry
He served as Minister of the Navy from November 30 to December 4, 1906 in the government of
Segismundo Moret . He was Minister of Public Education and Belles Artes on two occasions: from March 12 to December 31, 1912 underJosé Canalejas ; and from March 22 to October 10, 1918 underAntonio Maura .He was Minister of the Interior on two occasions: from December 31, 191 to October 27, 1913 and from December 9 to October 30, 1916, both times under the
Count of Romanones .He served as Minister of Housing from April 30, 1916 to June 11, 1917 under Romanotes and García Prieto, and adopted the ideas of the movement known as Regeneracionismo. He enacted two programs. The first, proposed “in defense of Spanish values,” prohibited the issuing, introduction, and announcement in the Spanish market of debt securities and bonds associated with foreign governments. The second program reformed laws for tenants in Spain. He later presented to the Cortes some 22 projects concerning administrative and financial reorganizations and reforms, tax law reforms, monopolies, and economic development.
He also successfully enacted a government loan worth billions of
pesetas .During his second term as Minister of Housing (November 9-December 5, 1918), he concerned himself with food supply and transportation issues caused by the
First World War . He proposed some agrarian reforms, but these were not carried out.He then served as Minister of Foreign Affairs from December 7, 1922 to September 15, 1923 in a new cabinet under García Prieto.
During the dictatorship of
Miguel Primo de Rivera , Alba exiled himself toFrance but returned in Spain in 1930. He refused to serve as head of the government after the fall ofDámaso Berenguer . At the outbreak of theSpanish Civil War in 1936, he again exiled himself, this time toPortugal . He returned to Spain in 1945 but no longer involved himself in politics.References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.