Josef Hopmann

Josef Hopmann

Josef Hopmann (December 22, 1890October 11, 1975) was a German astronomer.

He was born in Berlin and received his education at universities in Bonn and Berlin, then became an assistant at Bonn Observatory in 1914. In 1930 he became a full professor and was appointed director of the Leipzig Observatory. Between 1918 and 1974 he published nearly 100 scientific papers. In 1931-32, he and Heribert Schneller discovered that Zeta Aurigae is an eclipsing binary.

The asteroid 1985 Hopman is named after him, as is Hopmann crater on the far side of the Moon.


*cite book
first=Lutz D. | last=Schmadel | year=2003
title=Dictionary of minor planet names
pages=160 | publisher=Springer

*cite web
last=Duerbeck | first=Hilmar W. | date=2000-05-29
title=Obituary Notes of Astronomers
publisher=Argelander-Institut für Astronomie

*cite journal
last=d'Occhieppo | first=K. Ferrari
title=Nachruf: Josef Hopmann
journal=Mitteilungen der Astronomischen Gesellschaft
year=1976 | volume=40 | pages=79 | language=German

*cite book
first=Rudolf | last=Kippenhahn
coauthors=Steinberg, Jean
title=100 Billion Suns | year=1993
pages=1617 | publisher=Princeton University Press

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