- Pockmark (geology)
Pockmarks are craters in the seabed resulting from the release of gas or liquid. They also occur in lakes.
External links
* [http://www.martinhovland.com/pockmarks.htm About pockmarks on seabed]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Pockmarks are craters in the seabed resulting from the release of gas or liquid. They also occur in lakes.
External links
* [http://www.martinhovland.com/pockmarks.htm About pockmarks on seabed]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Pockmark — This article is about acne scars. For the geological formation, see Pockmark (geology) Pockmarks are crater shaped scars on a person s face, usually the result of acne or infections such as chicken pox.ee also* Pimple … Wikipedia
Pockmark — Pockmarks sind kraterartige Vertiefungen am Boden von Meeren oder Seen mit 10–700 Metern Durchmesser und bis zu 45 Metern Tiefe[1], in Einzelfällen auch bis zu 1,5 Kilometern Durchmesser und mehr als 150 Metern Tiefe.[2] Pockmarks entstehen durch … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cold seep — Marine habitats Tube worms are among the dominant species in one of four cold seep community types in the Gulf of Mexico. Littoral zone … Wikipedia
variole — n. small depression resembling pockmark; Geology, small light coloured sphere found in type of igneous rock. ♦ variolite, n. such rock. ♦ variolitic, a … Dictionary of difficult words
Deep water coral — Table coral, which can live in deep water (in this picture, it is in shallow, warm water) The habitat of deep water corals, also known as cold water corals, extends to deeper, darker parts of the oceans than tropical corals, ranging from near the … Wikipedia