- Panel call indicator
Panel Call Indicator, or PCI, is a form of signalling used between two telephone offices.
PCI was designed along with the panel type of telephone office. The original purpose of PCI was to allow panel subscribers to dial numbers in manual offices the same way they dialed numbers in panel offices.
For PCI to achieve its purpose, the panel office sent the dialed number to a lit display (call indicator) in the manual office. The operator read the number from the call indicator and completed the call in the usual way.
What is sent
The usual seven-digit US telephone number consists of a three-digit office code and a four-digit line number within the given office. After a caller in a panel office dialed the office code, the
sender looked up the type of the called office (panel, manual, etc.) and whether PCI was to be used. Then the sender found a trunk to the called office. Once a trunk had been found and the decision to use PCI had been made, the office code was not needed. So only the line number was sent to the manual office.However, for two reasons, PCI always sends five-digit line numbers rather than four (and the caller may need to dial eight digits rather than seven).
The panel system was designed to work with manual offices of up to 10,500 lines. Callers dialed the office code followed by the line number within the office. For lines 10,000 and up, callers therefore dialed the office code and a five-digit line number. For offices with fewer than 10,000 lines, callers dialed four digits but PCI sends a leading 0.
Also, when the panel office was designed, many people used party lines. Party line numbers were listed with a J, M, R, or W following the line number. The caller dialed the office code, the line number, and the digit corresponding to the letter. Party letters replace the ten-thousands digit described above. That is, PCI sends the letter followed by the four-digit line number. So party letters and line numbers above 10,000 can't be used together.
Digits are sent in order from most to least significant. The party letter is sent first, since it replaces the ten-thousands digit.
Generally, each digit is sent as a group of four bits having the place values 1, 2, 4, and 5. This could be considered a form of
biquinary code . The thousands digit is sent usingbinary-coded decimal , but with the 1 bit moved to the end of the group. Except for the 1 bit in the thousands digit, all bits are sent in order from least to most significant. An entire transmission uses twenty bits.Looking at the transmission another way, it consists of twenty "time slots" which may be filled by DC pulses. The first and third pulse times in a group of four contain either a positive DC current or no current. The second and fourth pulse times in a group of four contain either a light (high resistance) negative DC pulse or a heavy (low resistance) negative DC pulse. The pattern of current flow (positive, negative, positive, negative) keeps the receiver synchronized with the sender. This pattern never varies so it contains no information. The existence of a current (in the first and third pulse times) or the resistance of the current (in the second and fourth times) carries the information.
In this table, + represents a positive pulse, – represents a light negative pulse, and = represents a heavy negative pulse.Note that the codes for the stations digits or letters 0, 1, W, R, J, and M are the same as the codes for the hundreds/tens/units digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
{| class="wikitable" cols="17" style="text-align:center"
-!colspan="17"| Pulse Times
width="5.88%" style="border-color:transparent"
width="5.88%"| 1
width="5.88%"| 2
width="5.88%"| 3
width="5.88%"| 4
width="5.90%" rowspan="13" style="border-color:transparent"
width="5.88%" style="border-color:transparent"
width="5.88%"| 5
width="5.88%"| 6
width="5.88%"| 7
width="5.88%"| 8
width="5.90%" rowspan="13" style="border-color:transparent"
width="5.88%" style="border-color:transparent"
width="5.88%"| 9, 13, 17
width="5.88%"| 10, 14, 18
width="5.88%"| 11, 15, 19
width="5.88%"| 12, 16, 20-
colspan="5" style="border-color:transparent"|
colspan="5" style="border-color:transparent"
colspan="5" style="border-color:transparent"-
!colspan="5"| Stations (Ten-Thousands) !colspan="5"| Thousands !colspan="5"| Hundreds, Tens, Units
! 0
– ! 0
– ! 0
! 1
– ! 1
= ! 1
width="5.88%" colspan="5" rowspan="2" style="border-color:transparent"
! 2
– ! 2
! 3
= ! 3
!width="5.88%" colspan="5"|Stations (Party Letters) ! 4
– ! 4
! J (5)
– ! 5
= ! 5
! M (6)
= ! 6
– ! 6
! R (7)
– ! 7
= ! 7
width="5.88%" colspan="5" style="border-color:transparent"
! 8
– ! 8
! W (9)
– ! 9
= ! 9
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.