Poly (hydridocarbyne)

Poly (hydridocarbyne)

Formula [HC] n
Molecular mass200,000 to 100 million Daltons
Melting pointdecomposes @ 100°C
Boiling point N/A
Density??.?? g/cm³
CAS number???-??-?

Poly(hydridocarbyne) (PHC) is one of a class of carbon-based random network polymers primarily composed of tetrahedrally hybridized carbon atoms, each having one hydride substituent, exhibiting the generic formula [HC] n. PHC is made from bromoform, a liquid halocarbon that is commercially manufactured from methane. At room temperature, poly(hydridocarbyne) is a dark brown powder. It can be easily dissolved in a number of solvents (tetrahydrofuran, ether, toluene etc.), forming a colloidal suspension that is clear and non-viscous, which may then be deposited as a film or coating on various substrates. Upon thermolysis in argon at atmospheric pressure and temperatures of 110°C to 1000°C, decomposition of poly(hydridocarbyne) results in hexagonal diamond (Lonsdaleite).

More recently (May 2008) poly(hydridocarbyne) has been synthesized by a much simpler method using electrolysis of chloroformToppare L "et al" (2008) Facile Synthesis of Poly(hydridocarbyne): A Precursor to Diamond and Diamond-like Ceramics, "Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A" 45 (5), May, 358–363, doi=10.1080/10601320801946108.] .

The novelty of PHC (and its related polymer poly (methylsilyne)) is that the polymer may be readily fabricated into various forms (e.g. films, fibers, plates) and then thermolized into a final hexagonal diamond ceramic.


* (US patent application)


External links

* [http://prod.informaworld.com/smpp/content~content=a791738767~db=all~jumptype=rss Facile Synthesis of Poly(hydridocarbyne): A Precursor to Diamond and Diamond-like Ceramics]
* [http://www.liftport.com/progress/wp/?p=839 Liftport Staff Blog discussion]

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