Treaty of Polyanovka

Treaty of Polyanovka

The Treaty of Polyanovka ( _pl. Polanów, also known as the "Peace of Polyanovka / Polanów") was a peace treaty signed on June 14, 1634 between the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Muscovite Russia in the village of Semlevo located near the Polyanovka river between Vyazma and Dorogobuzh.

The accord was signed in the aftermath of the Smolensk War. The negotiations begun on 30 April. Overall, the agreement confirmed the pre-war status quo, with Russia paying a large war indemnity (20,000 rubles in gold) for Wladislaus IV agreeing to surrender his claim to the Russian throne and return the royal insignia to Russia. Władysław, despite holding an upper hand, was trying to bring the Muscovites into an anti-Sweden alliance; hence in a gesture of goodwill he agreed to give the Muscovites the border town of Serpeysk and nearby territories. However, the alliance never came through, as the Polish Sejm, unwilling to fight Sweden after the Treaty of Sztumska Wieś, subsequently objected, and the Muscovites saw no benefit in such an alliance. The sides also reached an agreement on prisoner exchange and a trade treaty. [Mirosław Nagielski, "Diariusz kampanii smoleńskiej Władysława IV 1633-1634", DiG, 2006, ISBN 8371814100]

The treaty ended the almost unbroken series of wars between the Commonwealth and its neighbours that had been waged since the beginning of the 17th century. The fourteen years of peace that followed were arguably the most prosperous in Commonwealth's history.Fact|date=July 2008

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