- Georg Fabricius
Georg Fabricius, born Georg Goldschmidt (
April 23 1516 –July 17 ,1571 ), was a Protestant Germanpoet ,historian andarchaeologist .Life
Fabricius was born in
Chemnitz inSaxony and educated at Leipzig. Travelling inItaly with one of his pupils, he made an exhaustive study of the antiquities ofRome . He published the results in his "Roma" (1550), in which the correspondence between every discoverable relic of the old city and the references to them in ancient literature was traced in detail. In 1546 he was appointed rector of Saint Afra inMeissen .In 1549 Fabricius edited the first short selection of Roman inscriptions specifically focusing on legal texts. This was a key moment in the history of classical
epigraphy : for the first time in print a humanist explicitly demonstrated the value of such archaeological remains for the discipline of law, and implicitly accorded texts inscribed in stone as authoritative status as those recorded in manuscripts.In his sacred poems he affected to avoid every word with the slightest savour of paganism; and he blamed the poets for their allusions to pagan divinities.
Fabricius died at
Meissen .Works
Principal works:
*editions of
Terence (1548) andVirgil (1551)
*"Poëmatum sacrorum libri xxv." (1560)
*"Poëtarum veterum ecclesiasticorum opera Christiana" (1562)
*"De Re Poëtica libri septem" (1565)
*"Rerum Misnicarum libri septem" (1569)Posthumous:
*"Originum I illustrissiniae stirpis Saxonicae libri sepiem" (1597)
*"Rerum Germaniae magnae et Saxoniae universae memorabilium mirabiliumque volumina duo" (1609).A life of Georg Fabricius was published in 1839 by
D. C. W. Baumgarten-Crusius , who in 1845 also issued an edition of Fabricius's "Epistolae ad W Meurerum et alios aequales", with a short sketch "De Vita Ge. Fabricius de gente Fabriciorum"; see alsoF. Wachter inErsch andGruber 's "Allgemeine Encyclopädie".References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.