Trumbo — Dalton Trumbo (* 9. Dezember 1905 in Montrose, Colorado; † 10. September 1976 in Los Angeles) war ein US amerikanischer Drehbuch und Romanautor. In der McCarthy Ära gehörte er zur Gruppe der Hollywood Ten, die sich 1947 unter Berufung auf die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Trumbo — noun United States screenwriter who was blacklisted and imprisoned for refusing to cooperate with congressional investigations of communism in America (1905 1976) • Syn: ↑Dalton Trumbo • Instance Hypernyms: ↑screenwriter, ↑film writer * * * /trum … Useful english dictionary
Trumbo Point — Trumbo Point, Blick von Norden. An der linken Seite befinden sich die Bachelor Officers Quarters. Trumbo Point ist ein Teil der Stadt Key West in der nordwestlichen Ecke der Insel Key West in den unteren Florida Keys. Es ist eines von mehreren… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Trumbo Point — is a section of the northwest corner of the island of Key West, Florida in the lower Florida Keys. It is one of several bases comprising the Key West Naval Air Station.Trumbo Point is inaccessible to civilians without US Navy clearance.The base… … Wikipedia
Trumbo, Dalton — (1905–1976) Dalton Trumbo was one of Hollywood’s highest paid screenwriters in the 1940s, with such films as A Guy Named Joe (1943) and Tender Comrade (1944) to his credit. He was born in Montrose, Colorado, on December 9, 1905. He attended… … The Encyclopedia of Stanley Kubrick
Trumbo, Dalton — ▪ American author born Dec. 9, 1905, Montrose, Colo., U.S. died Sept. 10, 1976, Los Angeles screenwriter and novelist who was probably the most talented member of the Hollywood Ten, one of a group who refused to testify before the 1947 U.S … Universalium
Trumbo, Dolton — • ТРА МБО (Trumbo) Долтон (9.12.1905 10.9.1976) амер. сценарист. В кино с 1936 (сц. dp. Дорожная банда ). В 40 е гг. один из крупнейших амер. сценаристов ( Человек, которого помнишь , 1938, Парень по имени Джо , 1944, На наших лозах нежный… … Кино: Энциклопедический словарь
Trumbo — /trum boh/, n. Dalton, 1905 76, U.S. novelist and screenwriter. * * * … Universalium
Trumbo,Dalton — Trum·bo (trŭmʹbō), Dalton. 1905 1976. American screenwriter who was blacklisted and imprisoned for his refusal to participate in Sen. Joseph McCarthy s anti Communist investigations. His screenplays include Spartacus (1960) and The Fixer (1968).… … Universalium
Trumbo, Dalton — см. Трамбо, Дальтон … Писатели США. Краткие творческие биографии