Stephen Fellows

Stephen Fellows

Stephen Fellows is a singer, songwriter and musician. From 1978-1995, he was frontman for the band the Comsat Angels. [Comsat Angels website [] ] He has also been manager for the band Gomez [Comsat Angels website, Step Off, news, [] ] and has helped guide the band the Little Glitches. [Renascent Records website, the comsat angels, q&a, [] ]

Fellows' first post-Comsat Angels work was "Mood X", an album released in 1997 — 15 tracks of atmospheric guitar with no vocals. [Comsat Angels website, Step Off, Mood X, [] ] In July 2008, he posted songs to his MySpace page that were recorded in the mid-1990s. [blog Old Songs, [ Stephen Fellows' MySpace page] ] He is said to be preparing more current songs to be released soon. [blog rusty, [ Stephen Fellows' MySpace page] ]

Fellows lives and works in Sheffield, England. [ [ Stephen Fellows' MySpace page] ]


External links

* [ Stephen Fellows' MySpace page]

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