Stephen P. Hubbell

Stephen P. Hubbell

Stephen P. Hubbell (born 17 February 1942) is an American ecologist on the faculty of the University of California, Los Angeles. He is author and proponent of the unified neutral theory of biodiversity and biogeography (UNTB), which seeks to explain the diversity and relative abundance of species in ecological communities. Dr. Hubbell is also a staff scientist at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Balboa, Panama.

Stephen Hubbell was born in Gainesville, Florida.. [ Curriculum vitae: Stephen P. Hubbell] ] He earned his doctorate in zoology at the University of California, Berkeley, in 1969. As a professor at the University of Michigan, he taught graduate courses for the Organization for Tropical Studies in Costa Rica. Later, at Princeton University, as a professor of ecology and evolutionary biology, he continued study of the population biology of tropical trees.

In 2003, Dr. Hubbell became Distinguished Research Professor in the Department of Plant Biology at the University of Georgia. [ [ Recognizing Excellence in Research and Creative Activity: Stephen P. Hubbell] ]

As a Fellow at the Pew Institute for Ocean Science, Hubbell initiated the establishment of the National Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE), which works with the parties that create and use environmental knowledge to influence environmental decisions.

Dr. Hubbell is married to evolutionary ecologist Patricia Adair Gowaty, who was also a Distinguished Research Professor at the University of Georgia. [ [ "Research Magazine"] ]

Education and honors

*Bachelor of Arts, Biology, 1963, Carleton College

*Ph.D., Zoology, 1969, University of California Berkeley, California

*Pew Fellows Program in Conservation and the Environment, Fellow, 1990

*National Council for Science and the Environment, Chair, 1991–

*American Adacemy of Arts and Sciences, Fellow, 2003 [ [ Pew Institute for Ocean Science, Pew Fellows Program in Marine Conservation] ]




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