Tree Hill — is a fictional town where the CW television series One Tree Hill takes place. Tree Hill is a small harbour, located in New Brunswick County, North Carolina, along the Atlantic Ocean, although the town itself may either not be that small, or it… … Wikipedia
President Hotel Riccione (Riccione) — President Hotel Riccione country: Italy, city: Riccione (City) President Hotel Riccione This elegant property in a quiet area, offers graceful accommodation and modern facilities to make your stay in Riccione a pleasant one.Location Located very… … International hotels
Tree That Owns Itself — The Tree That Owns Itself is a white oak tree, widely assumed to have legal ownership of itself and of all land within eight feet (2.4 m) of its base. The tree is located at the corner of Finley and Dearing Streets in Athens, Georgia, USA. The… … Wikipedia
President's Park — Infobox nrhp | name =President s Park South nrhp type = caption = location= District of Columbia, USA lat degrees = 38 lat minutes = 53 lat seconds = 39 lat direction = N long degrees = 77 long minutes = 2 long seconds = 13 long direction = W… … Wikipedia
President's Park — Lageplan des President s Park Der President’s Park in Washington, D.C., Vereinigte Staaten, umfasst das Weiße Haus, ein Besucher Zentrum, den Lafayette Park und den Park The Ellipse. President’s Park war der Originalname des Lafayette Park und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
President's Park — Parc du Président « Parc Lafayette » redirige ici. Pour les autres significations, voir Lafayette. E … Wikipédia en Français
President’s Park — Lageplan des President s Park Der President’s Park in Washington, D.C., Vereinigte Staaten, umfasst das Weiße Haus, ein Besucher Zentrum, den Lafayette Park und den Park The Ellipse. President’s Park war der Originalname des Lafayette Park und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tree model — Austro Asiatic Language Tree Maya Lan … Wikipedia
Tree of Hippocrates — The Tree of Hippocrates is the plane tree (or platane , in Europe) under which, according to the legend, Hippocrates of Kos (considered the father of medicine) taught his pupils the art of medicine. Paul of Tarsus purportedly taught here as… … Wikipedia
Tree That Owns Itself — Der „Son of The Tree That Owns Itself“ im Jahr 2005 Der Tree That Owns Itself (dt. Baum, der sich selbst besitzt) war ein ausgezeichnetes Exemplar der Amerikanischen Weiß Eiche (Quercus alba) in der Stadt Athens im US Bundesstaat Georgia. Dieser… … Deutsch Wikipedia