- Islam regarding intentions to marry
Islam , there are several reasons to marry, and also several things to observe if one is not able to marry. Also, there are restrictions regarding whom one may marry.Overview
Muslim s who can marry are required to marry because it helps him from committing illegal sexual intercourse (Arabic: "Zina "). An unmarried man is deemed not to be fulfilling all his obligations as a Muslim. Muslims who are unable to marry are advised to fast, asfasting helps to diminish his sexual power. Further, a father is expected to help his son to find a suitable wife.A Muslim cannot marry:
* Someone who is not one of thePeople of the Book (Ahl al-Kitab )
* A Muslim cannot marry afoster relation as such relations are equated with blood ties.
* A Muslim is forbidden to ask a woman to marry him if another Muslim has already done so.Forbidden
According to Islam, it is forbidden to marry people that do not belong to the
People of the Book .Also, in Islam foster relations are equated with blood relations. bukhari|3|48|813.
A Muslim is forbidden by the
Sunnah to ask for a woman in marriage when another Muslim has already done so. Muwatta|28|1|1|.Unmarried
In Islam, marriage is seen as an important institution into which to enter.
Muhammad is reported to have said that marriage constitutes half of the religion. In other words, an unmarried man is not fulfilling all his obligations as a Muslim.At the same time, a father is expected to assist his son in finding a suitable wife.
In Bukhari|7|62|1:
In another hadith in :
Further::A man must never be alone with a woman unless there is someone who is a "Mahram" with them. ("Bukhari, Muslim")
and::A man must never be alone with a woman, for verily the
Satan is their third. ("At-Tirmithee and Ahmad")Allowed
("Bukhari 7.28")
Tirmidhi #3090:quoteHadith|Abu Huraira|matn=Allah's Messenger said, "When someone with whose religion and character you are satisfied asks your daughter in marriage, accede to his request. If you do not do so, there will be temptation on Earth and extensive corruption." (Tirmidhi,Nasa'i andIbn Majah transmitted it.)See also
Islamic view of marriage
*Islamic view of sex References
External links
* The Wali in Islam: [http://islamiclawetc.wordpress.com/2007/01/07/psa-1-the-wali-in-islam/ 1] , [http://islamiclawetc.wordpress.com/2007/01/08/psa-2-why-the-wali/ 2] , [http://islamiclawetc.wordpress.com/2007/01/08/psa-3-why-the-wali-continued/ 3] , [http://islamiclawetc.wordpress.com/2007/01/12/psa-4-what-does-a-wali-look-for-main-objectives-of-islam/ 4] , [http://islamiclawetc.wordpress.com/2007/01/15/psa-5-the-wali%e2%80%99s-role-in-ensuring-comfort-affection-and-mercy/ 5]
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