- Razlog dialect
The Razlog dialect is a Bulgarian dialect, member of the Rup or Southeastern Bulgarian dialects. Its range includes the valley of
Razlog in southwestern Bulgaria and its immediate neighbours are the RupSerres-Nevrokop dialect to the south, theBabyak dialect to the east, the Samokov and Ihtiman dialects to the north and theBlagoevgrad-Petrich dialect to the east. It shares a number of phonological characteristics with both the Rup (especially the Rhodopean) and the Southwestern dialects. Because of its specific reflexes of Old Bulgarianyat , it is generally classified as a Rup dialect but is actually transitional between the two dialectal groups.Phonological and morphological characteristics
* Broad e (IPA|æ) for Old Bulgarian
yat in a stressed syllable and ordinary e (IPA|ɛ) in an unstressed syllable (as in the RhodopeanChepino dialect ): "бIPA|æл/бIPA|æли" vs. formal Bulgarian "бял/бели" (white) but "деца" as in Standard Bulgarian (children).
* Broad e (IPA|æ) for Old Bulgarian я in all positions (as in the Rhodopean Smolyan andHvoyna dialect ): "вунIPA|æ" vs. formal Bulgarian "воня" (stink)
* Vowel a for Old Bulgarian big yus Unicode |ѫ and little yus Unicode|ѧ (as in the neighbouring Samokov and Ihtiman dialects to the north and the Dorkovo subdialect of the RhodopeanChepino dialect to the east): "зап" vs. Standard Bulgarian "зъп" (tooth), "даж'до" vs. Standard Bulgarian "дъж'дът" (the rain)
* Schwa (IPA|ə) for Old Church Slavonic лъ/ль (as in most Southwestern dialects): "съза" vs. formal Bulgarian "сълза" (tear)
* Moderate vowel reduction, as in the rest of the Rup dialects and Standard Bulgarian
* The masculine definite article is о (in a stressed syllable) and у (in an unstressed syllable) as in theMoesian dialects , compared to formal Bulgarian –ът/ъ ("гърˈбо, ˈстолу" vs. "гърˈбът, ˈстолът"). However, before a soft syllable, the article is e (cf. a similar trait in the RupStrandzha dialect ): "дене" vs. formal Bulgarian "ден'ъ(т)" (the day), "коне" vs. formal Bulgarian "кон'ъ(т)" (the horse). The masculine definite article for adjectives is "-йъ" as in Standard Bulgarian: "гулIPA|æмийъ" (the big one)
* Dynamic stress (as in Standard Bulgarian): "маж/ма'же" vs. formal Bulgarian "мъж/мъ'жъ(т)" (the man)
* Lack of ending -т in the forms for 3rd person pl. present tense: "яда" vs. formal Bulgarian "ядът" (they eat)For other phonological and morphological characteristics typical for all Rup or Rhodopean dialects, cf.
Rup dialects .Noteworthy
* The first grammatical treatise of Modern Bulgarian published by Serbian scholar
Vuk Karadzic in 1822 ("Додатак к санктпетербургским сравнитељним pjeчницима свиjу jезика и нaрjечиjа c особитим огледом Бугарског jезика") is based on the grammatical and morphological characteristics of the Ralog dialect
* The first full grammar of Modern Bulgarian published by Bulgarian scholarNeofit Rilski in 1835 ("Болгарска граматика") is also based on the grammatical and morphological characteristics of the Ralog dialectources
Стойков, Стойко: Българска диалектология, Акад. изд. "Проф. Марин Дринов", 2006 [http://www.promacedonia.org/jchorb/st/st_2_b_izt_3.htm#razlozhki]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.