Fakhreddin Jamali

Fakhreddin Jamali

name = Fakhreddin Jamali

caption = Fakhreddin_Jamali
birth_date =
birth_place = Tehran,Iran
death_date =
death_place =
residence = Canada
nationality = Iranian, Canadian
field = Pharmacy
work_institution = University of Alberta
alma_mater = University of British Columbia
doctoral_advisor =
doctoral_students =
known_for =
author_abbreviation_bot =
author_abbreviation_zoo =
awards = Leadership Award of the Canadian Soc. Pharm. Sci
religion =
footnotes = |

Dr Fakhreddin Jamali (PerB|فخرالدین جمالی) , is an Iranian-Canadian scientist in pharmacy, and a professor of Pharmaceutical sciences at the [http://www.pharmacy.ualberta.ca/ Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences] , University of Alberta.


Dr. F. Jamali (Doctor of Pharmacy, University of Tehran, Iran; MSc, pharmaceutics,PhD, pharmacokinetics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada) is aprofessor at the [http://www.pharmacy.ualberta.ca/ Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharm. Sci.,] University of Alberta. He joined the faculty at the University of Alberta in 1981 and served as the associate dean during 1999-2004.He has published over 19080 refereed articles, has been an invited speaker at many conferences, and has trained 30 PhDs. He has served as a Theme Leader in the [http://www.arthritisnetwork.ca/ Canadian Arthritis Network] (Networks of Centres of Excellence), is a Fellow of [http://www.aapspharmaceutica.com/ American Assoc. Pharm. Sci] . Dr. Jamali has served as a consultant and/or a member of the board of directors ofmany pharmaceutical houses. He is a member of the [http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/index-eng.php/ Health Canada’s] TPP ExpertAdvisory Committee on Bioavailabilty and Bioequivalence, and the Expert AdvisoryPanel on Nonsteroidal Anti-imflammatory Drugs. He is the founding president ofCanadian Soc. Pharm. Sci., editor of [http://www.cspscanada.org/ Journal Pharm. & Pharm. Sci.] ;has served as associate editor or in the editorial board of several journals. Heteaches pharmacokinetics and clinical pharmacology and is involved in pharmacycurriculum development.


Dr. Jamali for his research achievements has received [http://jcp.sagepub.com/cgi/issue_pdf/backmatter_pdf/37/11.pdf/ the McKeen Cattel Memorial Award of the American College of Clin. Pharmacol.,] the McCalla Professorship of the University of Alberta, the McNeil Award of Assoc Canadian Faculties of Pharm., LeadershipAward of the Canadian Soc. Pharm. Sci., and Killam Professorship Award.


Dr. Jamali's research interests include effect of pathophysiological changes on the action anddisposition of drugs, stereochemical aspects of drugs action and disposition, basicand clinical pharmacology of anti-rheumatic, analgesic and cardiovascular drugs, andtoxicology of nonsteroidal antiinfammatory drugs.

elected Refereed articles

1. F Jamali; R Mehvar; FM Pasutto (1989) Stereospecific Aspects of Drug Action andDisposition: Therapeutic Pitfalls. J Pharm Sci, 78: 695-715.

2. R Mehvar; F Jamali (1997) Bioequivalence of Chiral Drugs: Stereospecific versusNon-Sterospecific. Clin Pharmacokin, 33:122-141.

3. F Jamali CM Kunz (1999) Pain-Mediated altered Absorption and Metabolism: AnExplanation for Delayed Onset of Analgesia. Br J Clin Pharmacol, 47:391-396.

4. LA Eliot, RT Foster, F Jamali (1999) Effects of Hyperlipidemia on thePharmacokinetics of Nifedipine. Pharm Res, 16:309-313.

5. PR Mayo, K Skeith, AS Russell, F Jamali (2000) Decreased dromotropic responseto verapamil despite pronounced increased drug concentration in rheumatoidarthritis. Br J Clin Pharmacol 50:605-13.

6. 5. N Daneshtalab, RZ Lewanczuk, F Jamali (2002) HPLC Analysis of Angiotensin IIReceptor Antagonist Valsartan Using a Liquid Extraction Method. J Chromatogr,766:345-9.

7. 6. A Aghazadeh, FM Pasutto, S Sattari, F. Jamali (2002) Single dosepharmacokinetics and bioavailability of glucosamine in the rat. J Pharm PharmSci, 5:181-184.

8. 7. S Sattari, WF. Dryden, F Jamali (2003) Despite increased plasmaconcentration, inflammation reduces potency of calcium channel antagonists dueto lower binding to the rat heart. Brit J Pharmacol, 139:945-954.

9. N Daneshtalab, R Lewanczuk, A Russell, F Jamali (2004) Inflammation Does NotDown Regulate Pharmacodynamics of Valsartan. J Clin Pharmacol, 44: 245-252.

10. E Palylyk-Colwell, F Jamali (2004) Effect of gonadectomy and hormones on sexdifferences in ketoprofen enantiomer glucuronidation and renal excretion offormed glucuronides in the rat. Pharm Res, Pharm Res. 21:989-95.

11. S Harirforoosh, F Jamali (2005) Effect of Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugswith Varying Extent of COX-2/COX-1 Selectivity on Urinary Sodium andPotassium Excretion in the Rat. Can J Physiol Pharmacol , 83: 85-90.

12. N Davies, F Jamali (2004) COX-2 selective inhibitors cardiac toxicity: getting tothe heart of the matter. J Pharm Pharm Sci, 7:332-336.

13. S Ling, F Jamali (2005) Effect of early phase adjuvant arthritis on hepatic CYPenzymes and pharmacokinetics of verapamil: an alternative approach to the useof an animal model of inflammation for pharmacokinetic studies. Drug MetabDispos, 33579-86.

14. JD Clements, F Jamali (2006) Pravastatin reverses the down-regulating effect ofinflammation on β-adrenergic receptors: a disease-drug interaction betweenpravastatin, propranolol and inflammation. Vascular Pharmacology. 46:52-9,2007.

15. KM Kulmatycki, F Jamali. (2006) Drug Disease Interactions: Role OfInflammatory Mediators In Depression And Variability In Drug Response. J PharmPharm Sci, 9:292-306.

16. Y Dakhel, F Jamali (2006) Erythromycin ponetiates PR interval prolonging effectof verapamil in the rat. Toxicol Appl Pharmacology, 214:24-29

17. Hanafy S, Dagenais NJ, Dryden WF, F Jamali (2007).Effects of angiotensin II blockade on inflammation-induced alterations of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of calcium channel blockers.Br J Pharmacol. 153(1):90-9.

18. Harirforoosh S, Jamali F.(2008)Effect of inflammation on kidney function and pharmacokinetics of COX-2 selective nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs rofecoxib and meloxicam.J Appl Toxicol. [Epub ahead of print]


# http://www.pharmacy.ualberta.ca/jamali.htm
# http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed&Cmd=Search&Term=%22Jamali%20F%22%5BAuthor%5D&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DiscoveryPanel.Pubmed_RVAbstractPlus

External links

* http://www.pharmacy.ualberta.ca/
* http://www.ualberta.ca/
* http://www.aapspharmaceutica.com/
* http://www.cspscanada.org/
* http://www.arthritisnetwork.ca/

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