beer hand — noun A seven and two as a starting hand in Texas hold em … Wiktionary
Beer die — is a drinking game. Standard rules call for four players, a die, table, four cups, and beer. Unlike most beer based games, drinking and scoring are unrelated.OriginsThere is no consensus on where the sport originated as numerous colleges and… … Wikipedia
Beer pong (paddles) — Beer pong is a drinking game loosely based on ping pong, that involves use of paddles to hit a ping pong ball into obstacles on the opposing side. The origin of beer pong is generally credited to Dartmouth College.[1] The name beer pong also… … Wikipedia
Beer glassware — comprises the drinking vessels made of glass designed or commonly used for drinking beer. Different styles of glassware complement different styles of beer for a variety of reasons, including enhancing aromatic volatiles, showcasing the… … Wikipedia
Beer in India — has been an import since the early 18th century and brewed natively since the late 1820s. Contents 1 History 2 Industry 3 Consolidation 4 References … Wikipedia
Beer stein — is the English term for a Steinkrug, a traditionally German beer drinking mug similar to a tankard. Beer steins can be made of pewter, silver, wood, porcelain, earthenware, stoneware or glass. Beer steins can have an open top or a hinged lid and… … Wikipedia
Beer Hall Putsch — Marienplatz in Munich during the Beer Hall Putsch … Wikipedia
Beer [2] — Beer, 1) Peter, geb. 1758 zu Neubidschow in Böhmen, war jüdischer Abkunft, wurde Lehrer der israelitischen Schule zu Mattersdorf, 1785 an der zu Neubidschow u. 1811 an der Prager Hauptschule, wo er 1838 st. Er trug nebst Ahron Chorin am meisten… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Beer — Beer, 1) Wilhelm, Selenograph, Bruder des Komponisten Meyerbeer (Jakob B.), geb. 4. Jan. 1797 in Berlin, gest. daselbst 27. März 1850, untersuchte auf seiner kleinen Privatsternwarte in Berlin mit Mädler den Mars und machte umfangreiche Aufnahmen … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Beer in England — Traditional beer pump English beer has a long history and traditions that are distinct from most other beer brewing countries. Beer was the first alcoholic drink to be produced in England, and has been brewed continuously since prehistoric… … Wikipedia