

Brooke can refer to:
* Brooke Army Medical Center, Fort Sam Houston, Texas
* Brooke Bond, a tea company
* Brooke, Norfolk, England
* Brooke, Rutland, England

People with the surname Brooke

* Elizabeth Brooke, Lady Wyatt, alleged mistress of Henry VIII and estranged wife of the poet Thomas Wyatt
* Elisabeth Brooke, Marchioness of Northampton, leading lady at the court of Edward VI and Elizabeth I of England
* Alan Brooke, 1st Viscount Alanbrooke, British Chief of the Imperial General Staff in WW 2
* Arthur Brooke, English poet
* Ashlynn Brooke, American pornographic actress
* Basil Stanlake Brooke, Irish Unionist politician
* Charles Anthoni Johnson Brooke, Second White Rajah of Sarawak
* Charles Vyner Brooke, Third and last White Rajah of Sarawak
* Edward Brooke, American politician
* Frances Brooke, English novelist, essayist, playwright and translator
* Gwydion Brooke, a British bassoonist
* Henry Brooke, novelist and dramatist
* Henry Brooke, Baron Brooke of Cumnor, British politician
* James Brooke, First White Rajah of Sarawak
* Jocelyn Brooke (Jocelyn Bernard Brooke), writer
* John Arthur Brooke, 1st Baronet (1844-1920)
* John Charles Brooke, FSA, Somerset Herald
* John Weston Brooke (1880-1908), an English Officer in the Boer War, son of John Arthur Brooke, 1st Baronet
* Jonatha Brooke, American folk-rock singer-songwriter
* John Mercer Brooke, scientist; USN & CSN
* Peter Brooke, British politician and son of Henry Brooke
* Robert Weston Brooke, 2nd Baronet (1885-1942)
* Rupert Brooke, poet.
* Stopford Brooke (chaplain), Irish churchman and writer
* Stopford Brooke (politician), British Member of Parliament from 1906 to 1910
* Sylvia Brett, Lady Brooke, Ranee of Sarawak.
* Brooke Baronets, families of baronets with the surname Brooke

People with the First Name Brooke

Brooke is a somewhat common first name for females in many English-speaking countries since the adoption of the name by Brooke Astor. The name as a first name was previously unheard of. People with this name include:
* Brooke Adams (model), a model and alumni of World Wrestling Entertainment
* Brooke Anderson, CNN news anchor
* Brooke Ashley, Asian-American porn actress
* Brooke Astor (1902-2007), socialite and philanthropist
* Brooke Burke, TV hostess and model
* Brooke Burns, model
* Brooke Fraser, a New Zealand singer/songwriter
* Brooke Haven, pornographic actress
* Brooke Hogan, singer and daughter of professional wrestler Hulk Hogan
* Brooke Kinsella (born 1983), British actress
* Brooke Logan, a fictional character in the CBS soap opera "The Bold and the Beautiful"
* Brooke Richards, model
* Brooke Shields, actress & model
* Brooke Valentine, American R&B, crunk, and hip-hop singer-songwriter
* Brooke White, American folk-pop singer and former "American Idol" contestant

ee also

* Robert Brooke-Popham, Royal Air Force commander during the first half of the 20th century

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  • BROOKE (R.) — BROOKE RUPERT (1887 1915) Poète, prosateur et critique anglais, Rupert Brooke n’a pas eu le temps de développer ses talents ni de définir une personnalité qui comportait autre chose que le charme et que l’auréole d’une mort précoce, sans même… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Brooke [2] — Brooke (spr. Bruhk), 1) Henry, geb. 1706 in Rantaran u. gest. 1783 in Dublin als Aufseher der Baraken zu Mullingar. Er schr.: Farmers letters (die sich auf einen Aufstand in Irland beziehen), mehrere Trauerspiele, Lustspiele, Opern u. Romane. 2)… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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  • Brooke — (Bruhk). James, geb. 1803 zu London, trat in den Dienst der ostind. Compagnie. setzte sich später zu Sarawak auf der Insel Borneo fest, machte sich zum Radschah eines Theils der Insel, erwarb den Engländern Labuan und wirkt für die Ausbreitung… …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • Brooke — Brooke, Ru|pert (1887 1915) a British poet who was a soldier in World War I. He wrote poems about war and romantic poems about England, including The Old Vicarage and Grantchester …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Brooke — fem. proper name, rare in U.S. before 1965, popular 1980s, 1990s …   Etymology dictionary

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