Wasagamack First Nation, Manitoba

Wasagamack First Nation, Manitoba

Wasagamack is an Indian Reserve in Manitoba, Canada. It is located about 600 km (350 miles) north of Winnipeg. The land area is 31.02 km² (12 sq. mls).

The population in 2001 was 1,122 of which 1,105 were of "First Nations" ancestry. Currently (July 2006) the population is about 1,500.

The school in Wasagamack is called the George Knott School. The school has an enrollment of about 500 students from Nursery to Sr. 4.

An important member of the community is Maurice Wood. He is also known sometimes as "Nu-puck". He teaches in the local school and is a very good role model to the community.

J.J. Harper was Chief of Wasagamack before he became head of the Island Lakes tribal council.

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