

Q-Max is a type of ship, specifically a membrane type liquefied natural gas carrier. It is the type of the largest LNG carriers in the world.cite news
publisher=Joongang Daily
url= http://joongangdaily.joins.com/article/view.asp?aid=2892082
title= Korea launches new tankers. Qatar-bound Mozah is the biggest LNG carrier ever built
author = Cho Jae-eun
] In the name Q-Max, "Q" stands for Qatar and "Max" for the maximum size of ship able to dock at the LNG terminals in Qatar.

Technical description

Q-Max is convert|345|m|ft long and measures convert|53.8|m|ft wide and convert|34.7|m|ft high. It has a capacity of 266,000 m3. It is propelled by two slow speed diesel engines, which are claimed to be more efficient and environmentally friendly than traditional steam turbines.cite news
publisher=AME Info
url= http://www.ameinfo.com/161397.html
title= Qatargas' Q-Flex arrives in the United States
] Q-Max vessels are equipped with an on-board re-liquefaction system to handle the boil-off gas, liquefy it and return the LNG to the cargo tanks.cite news
publisher=DNV UK
url= http://www.dnv.co.uk/press/FirstreliquefactionplantinstalledonboardanLNGcarrier.asp
title= First reliquefaction plant installed on board an LNG carrier
author = Per Wiggo Richardsen
] The on-board re-liquefaction system allows a reduction of LNG losses, which produces economical and environmental benefits. Overall, it is estimated that Q-Max carriers have about 40% lower energy requirements and carbon emissions than conventional LNG carriers.cite news
publisher=Downstream Today
url= http://www.downstreamtoday.com/News/Articles/200711/First_LNG_Mega_ship_Floats_Out_of_Dry__7196.aspx
title= First LNG 'Mega-ship' Floats Out of Dry-dock


Q-Max LNG carriers were ordered in 2005. They are to be built by Samsung Heavy Industries and Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Company.cite news
publisher=Gulf Times
url= http://www.gulf-times.com/site/topics/article.asp?cu_no=2&item_no=203504&version=1&template_id=57&parent_id=56
title= South Korea building 54 ships for Qatar
author = Pratap John
] The installed re-liquefaction system is developed and delivered by Hamworthy and approved and certified by DNV.


The first Q-Max LNG carrier was floated out of dry-dock in November 2007. The naming ceremony was held on 11 July 2008 at Samsung Heavy Industries' shipyard on Geoje Island, South Korea.cite news
publisher=Downstream Today
url= http://www.downstreamtoday.com/News/Articles/200807/Qatargas_Nakilat_Name_World_s_Largest_L_11825.aspx
title= Qatargas, Nakilat Name World's Largest LNG Vessel
] Known before its naming ceremony as Hulk 1675, the ship was named "Mozah" by Her Highness Sheikha Mozah Nasser al-Misnad.cite news
publisher=Gulf Times
url= http://www.gulf-times.com/site/topics/article.asp?cu_no=2&item_no=229528&version=1&template_id=57&parent_id=56
title= Qatar makes history with largest LNG ship
] Mozah is expected to be delivered in mid-September and scheduled to start ferrying Qatargas LNG to the United Kingdom in October 2008. cite news
publisher=Gulf Times
url= http://www.gulf-times.com/site/topics/article.asp?cu_no=2&item_no=229006&version=1&template_id=48&parent_id=28
title= Qatar set to receive world’s biggest LNG tanker
] It is classed by Lloyd's Register.

Q-Max LNG carriers are ordered by, and to be operated by the Qatar Gas Transport Company (Nakilat), and would be chartered to Qatar's LNG producers Qatargas and RasGas. In total, contracts have been signed for the construction of 14 Q-Max vessels.cite news
publisher=The Peninsula
url= http://www.thepeninsulaqatar.com/Display_news.asp?section=Business_News&subsection=Local+Business&month=November2007&file=Business_News2007111401710.xml
title= Four Q-Flex LNG carriers to be named this week

ee also

* Q-Flex


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