Jakub Heilpern

Jakub Heilpern

Jakub Heilpern (3 February 1850 – 28 November 1910) was a Polish chess master. [Bolesław Chwaściński, "Jakub Heilpern", Słownik biograficzny techników polskich, zeszyt 3, Federacja Stowarzyszeń Naukowo-Technicznych, Warszawa 1993]

Born into a Jewish family near Warsaw, he was educated in a high school gymnasium in Warsaw, studied in ETH Zurich ("Eidgenössische Polytechnische Schule") in 1870–72 and gradueted from Technical University of Munich ("Technische Universität München") in 1874. After the study, he worked in Bavaria, among others in Süddeutsche Brückenbau A.G. In 1879, he returned to Poland, and worked as an engineer at the Warsaw-Vienna Railway.

He tied for 5-6th in the 2nd Warsaw City Chess Championship (Józef Żabiński won). Heilpern won a match against Jean Taubenhaus (5.5 : 3.5) at Warsaw 1887. [Tomasz Wolsza, "Arcymistrzowie, mistrzowie, amatorzy..." tom 2, Wyd. DiG, Warsaw 1996, ISBN 83-85490-78-7]

Since 1902, he was a chief editor of "Przegląd Techniczny" (Technical Review) in Warsaw. [ [http://www.przeglad-techniczny.pl/arch/2006/09/historia_PT.htm Czas budowania (1900-05) ] at www.przeglad-techniczny.pl] He died in a health resort at Gardone Riviera in Italy.


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