Macro analysis

Macro analysis

In music theory, macro analysis is a method of transcribing, or writing down chords that may be used along with or instead of conventional musical analysis. Rather than roman numerals and figured bass symbols often used, letter names are used to indicate the roots of chords and are followed by symbols which specify the chord quality.Benward & Saker (2003). "Music: In Theory and Practice", Vol. I, p.74-75. Seventh Edition. ISBN 978-0-07-294262-0.]

Slurs are used to indicate motion, with solid slurs connecting roots an ascending fourth or descending fifth apart or dotted slurs indicating leading-tone resolution (in a dominant substitution). Macro analysis, placed below the score, may be accompanied by roman numeral analysis, placed below it.

MACRO, the Macro Analysis Creative Research Organization ( is a non-profit, non-fee-based membership organization devoted to the study of Macro analysis.


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