- Robert W. Morse
Robert W. Morse (1921-2001) was the first president of
Case Western Reserve University .Career
A native of
Boston, Massachusetts , and a member of the class of 1943 atBowdoin College , Morse received his master's degree and {HD in physics atBrown University before becoming a member of Brown's faculty in 1946. He ultimately the college dean in 1962.In 1956, Morse took part in the
National Academy of Science 'sNobska Project , which was instrumental in the creation of theUGM-27 Polaris missile submarine. In 1964, he was named assistant secretary for research and development at theUnited States Navy , before leaving the Navy to become president of the Case Institute of Technology in 1966 after being dissatisfied with the United States' role in Vietnam. In 1967, Case merged with Western Reserve, making Morse the first president of Case Western Reserve. He remained their until 1971 when he left for theWoods Hole Oceanographic Institution where he retired in 1983.External links
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.