- Wildculture
Wildculture is the umbrella term used to include all aspects and styles of "hunting and gathering" food harvesting [Paull, J, 2008, [http://orgprints.org/13568/01/13568.pdf/ Wild Organics: A Frontier Shift from Agriculture to Wildculture] , Journal of Bio-Dynamics Tasmania, 90: 14-19] . Wildculture - harvesting the bounty of nature - was the method of food gathering prior to the development of
agriculture thousands of years ago. Some wildculture has persisted side by side withagriculture , with some cultures and communities using both both styles of food acquisition, and a few reliant solely on wildculture.As well as organic standards for
agriculture , there are now standards for organic wildculture. The total hectares of wild harvested organic land now exceeds the total of certified organic agriculture land [Willer, H. et al., 2008, The World of Organic Agriculture, Statistics and Emerging Trends, IFOAM, Bonn] .Finland ,Zambia andBrazil lead the world, and together account for more than half of the 33.8 million hectares of certified organic wildculture land reported in 2008. [http://orgprints.org/13568]ee also
*Organic farming References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.