Marjan Mashkour

Marjan Mashkour

Marjan Mashkour received her Ph.D. in zooarchaeology in Paris (2001) and currently is a member of CNRS. She is the first Iranian who is specialized in the field of zooarchaeology and has been engaged in many field and laboratory projects in Iran and Near East. Her research interest is late Paleolithic fauna of Zagros and domestication of wild goat in Iran. She edited a number of books on zooarchaeology of Europe and Near East. She is currently is helping National Museum of Iran to establish a center for zooarchaeology.

Marjan Mashkour, June 2005


PhD Thesis (2001, University of Paris I-Sorbonne):Chasse et élevage du Néolithique à lÂge du Fer dans la plaine de Qazvin (Iran). Étude archéozoologique des sites de Zagheh, Qabrestan et Sagzabad”.


  • Mashkour, M and E.Vila(2003) Archaeometrical Methods for Tracking Ancient Bedouins: A Pilot Project in Northern Mesopotamia from IVth to Ist Millennia B.C. In: Mitteilungen des SFB "Differenz und Integration" 4/1, 120.
  • Biglari F, Jahani, V.; Mashkour, M.; Argant, A.; Shidrang, S.; and Taheri, K. (2007) Darband Cave: New Evidence for Lower Paleolithic occupation at Western Alborz Range, Gilan. Iranian Journal of Archaeology and History 41:30-37. (In Persian, with an English abstract.)

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