

Garapadu is a village in the India & state of Andhra Pradesh. This village belongs to the Vatticherukuru mandal. It is situated 12KM from the city Guntur. This village has an estimated population of 1500. The people of this village mainly dependant upon the agriculture. The people cultivates rice, chillies, cotton mainly because of the nature of land and the city Guntur is known as chilly city and is hub for the cotton production.

Before the village formed, the was filled with a type of thorn trees called "Garlakampa". And the people cut that trees and make this place for purpose of living. In earlier days it is called as Garlapadu and now it is known as Garapadu. GARAPADU is located at160 121N 800231. The village is located around 76KM to the north of the Bay of Bengal on the east coast of India.

This village include all types of cultures and it is not center for only one type of religion or cast. Telugu is the main language of communication in the village. The culture is vibrant with many festivals (that have been celebrated over thousands of years). Those festivals observed in Garapadu with great pomp and splendour are: Deepavali, Krishna-Ashtami, Rama Navami, Sankranti, Sivaratri, Ugadi, Vijaya Dasami, Vinayaka-Chaviti. Vinayaka chavithi and Sankranthi are most famous festivals. The main industries that are surrounded the village are cotton mills. The main water comes from Guntur Channel which is sub canal of Krishna river. This channel ends with this village and water for other villages ahead of this village comes from Nagarjunasagar right canal. This Guntur Channel water is stored in the ponds. Garapadu village have two ponds, in which one is used for drinking water. The water for the agriculture comes from the same channel and also natural rainwater.

For the purpose of transportation APSRTC provided two RTC buses for this village which shuttles between Guntur and Pallapadu. These buses are starts from RTC bus station at every hour. The auto service also available for the transportation.

Coming to the education facilities, This Garapadu has an upper primary school (ZPHS) and lower secondary school. The ZPH school is famous for the teaching and better results in the mandal. Also some private schools are there with in the mandal region.

The climate in Garapadu village is very tropical in nature, but there are dry spells especially during the winter season.

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