- Parasyntheton
A parasyntheton is a word formed by adding an affix to a compounded phrase.
* kind-hearted
* light-headed
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
A parasyntheton is a word formed by adding an affix to a compounded phrase.
* kind-hearted
* light-headed
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
parasyntheton — para·syn·the·ton … English syllables
parasyntheton — … Useful english dictionary
Parasynthetum — Pa|ra|syn|the|tum das; s, ...ta <über nlat. parasynthetum aus gleichbed. gr. parasýntheton, substantiviertes Neutrum von parasýnthetos »gebildet aus einer Zusammensetzung«> svw. ↑Dekompositum … Das große Fremdwörterbuch