- Paul Campos
Paul Campos is a law professor, author and journalist currently on the faculty of the University of Colorado in Boulder. His books include "Against the Law" (with Pierre Schlag and Steven D. Smith, 1996), a collection of essays regarding legal thought in contemporary America; "Jurismania" (1998), a scathing critique of the American legal system; and "The Diet Myth" (2005) (previously published as "The Obesity Myth" in 2004), an expose of the hysteria surrounding weight and health in the Western world today. Campos writes a weekly opinion column for the
Scripps Howard News Agency; it appears in newspapers around the nation. He has also been a frequent guest onCNN ,MSNBC , and other major networks to discuss legal and political issues.Campos's legal scholarship has focused largely on questions of legal interpretation, and especially on the ways in which law can become a kind of substitute pseudo-
religion in asecular ized culture. In 2003, the "Colorado Daily " named him "Best University of Colorado Professor" in its annual Best of Boulder edition.Campos's weekly column often focuses on what he considers curious societal phenomena, such as the origin of the chicken sandwich, the
University of Michigan 's decision to keepTommy Amaker employed for six years, the differing attitudes ofUniversity of Notre Dame football fans toward coachesTyrone Willingham andCharlie Weis , and the presidency ofGeorge W. Bush .His writing also appears on the blog Lawyers, Guns and Money.
In 2004, he wrote the book "The Obesity Myth" (later published as "The Diet Myth") which, he claims is based on research which questioned the connection of obesity and mortality rates.
*Campos, Paul and Jonathan Chait (2004). "Sabermetrics for Football." "New York Times". December 12.
*(2004). " [http://www.time.com/time/2004/obesity/speakers/campos.html Paul Campos] ." Time.com. Retrieved September 12, 2007.
*(2007). " [http://lawweb.colorado.edu/profiles/profile.jsp?id=10 Paul Campos] ." University of Colorado Law School. Retrieved September 12, 2007.References
*Smith, Dinitia (2004). " [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9901EED6143DF932A35756C0A9629C8B63 Demonizing the Fat in the War on Weight] ." "
New York Times ". May 1.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.