

Peralikatuma is a two-player abstract strategy game from Sri Lanka. It is a game related to draughts and Alquerque. It is essentially draughts played on an expanded Alquerque board with four triangle patterned boards attached to the four sides of the Alquerque board. The game is similar to Permainan-Tabal, however, the pieces in Peralikatuma can move in any direction, and therefore promotion to King is unnecessary.


To capture all the opponent's pieces, or to block the opponent's pieces so that they cannot move.

If neither player can make a move, the game is a draw.


The board consist of an Alquerque board flanked on all four sides by four triangle patterned boards. There are 49 intersections on the board, and the pieces are played on those intersections.

Each player initially has 23 pieces. One plays black, and the other plays white, however, any two colors will suffice.

Game Play and Rules

1. Players decide what colors to play, and who starts first. Players alternate their turns, and only use one piece to either move or capture per turn.

2. Each players pieces are initially set up on the first four ranks of their side of the board, and on the triangle patterned board to the right of the player.

3. A piece moves one space per turn "in any direction" following the pattern on the board onto an unoccupied point on the board.

4. A piece can capture an enemy piece "in any direction" by the short leap as in draughts or Alquerque. The player's piece must be adjacent to the enemy piece, and leap over it onto a vacant point on the other side. The leap must be in a straight line following the pattern on the board. The same piece can continue to capture and even change direction to capture provided capturing requirements are satisfied. Captures are compulsory. A piece must continue to capture if it is able to do so. Captured pieces are removed from the board.

5. If a player has more than one option to capture, then the player can choose any one (and only one) of them.

Related Games

Draughts, Alquerque, Permainan-Tabal

External Links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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