- Risk analysis
Risk Analysis can refer to:
*Risk analysis (engineering)
**Probabilistic risk assessment , an engineering safety analysis
*Risk analysis (Business)
*Certified Risk Analyst
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Risk Analysis can refer to:
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
risk analysis — ➔ analysis * * * risk analysis UK US noun [C or U] MANAGEMENT ► RISK ASSESSMENT(Cf. ↑risk assessment) … Financial and business terms
risk analysis — noun A methodical investigation process undertaken to assess the financial and physical risks affecting a business venture • • • Main Entry: ↑risk … Useful english dictionary
Risk Analysis — The study of the underlying uncertainty of a given course of action. Risk analysis refers to the uncertainty of forecasted future cash flows streams, variance of portfolio/stock returns, statistical analysis to determine the probability of a… … Investment dictionary
risk analysis — The measurement and analysis of the risk associated with financial and investment decisions. It involves the identification of risk, the classification of risks in regard to their impact and likelihood, and a consideration of how they might best… … Accounting dictionary
risk analysis — / rɪsk əˌnæləsɪs/ noun analysis of how much can be lost and gained through various marketing strategies ● After protracted risk analysis a very ambitious strategy was adopted. ● Our risk analysis must concentrate on competitor activity … Marketing dictionary in english
Risk analysis (Business) — Risk analysis is a technique to identify and assess factors that may jeopardize the success of a project or achieving a goal. This technique also helps to define preventive measures to reduce the probability of these factors from occurring and… … Wikipedia
Risk Analysis and Biocontamination Control — (RABC, deutsch: Risikoanalyse und Kontrollsystem Biokontamination) stellt ein System zur Kontrolle der mikrobiologischen Qualität von Textilien während der Aufbereitung in Wäschereien dar. Es wurde als Europäischer Standard EN 14065:2002… … Deutsch Wikipedia
risk analysis — Analysis that evaluates the possible outcomes of various harvesting strategies or management options … Fisheries — dictionary
Risk analysis (engineering) — This article is about engineering. For other uses, see Risk analysis. Risk analysis is the science of risks and their probability and evaluation. Probabilistic risk assessment is one analysis strategy usually employed in science and engineering.… … Wikipedia
risk analysis — The consideration of risk in a business, project, or decision. It involves the identification of risk, the classification of risks in regard to their impact and likelihood, and a consideration of how they might best be managed. See risk… … Big dictionary of business and management