Aristida behriana

Aristida behriana

name = "Aristida behriana"

image_width =
image_caption =
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Liliopsida
ordo = Poales
familia = Gramineae
genus = "Aristida"
species = "A. behriana"
binomial = "Aristida behriana"
binomial_authority = F.Muell

"Aristida behriana" is a native Australian species of grass, commonly known as Bunch Wire Grass or Brush Wire Grass. It is a bright-green, perennial plant forming short, tufted tussocks up to convert|40|cm|in|0 [Noted as less than 30cm by Bagust (2005) but up to 40cm by New South Wales Flora Online] high. Its seeds have three long, radiating awns leading to an occasional name of "three-awn grass". The species favours low fertility and well-drained soils. It is commonly found in mallee woodlands and plains, and growing on sunny slopes. Superficially the flower heads resemble those of the invasive weed, African Feather-grass ("Pennisetum villosum"). [cite book|last=Bagust|first=Phil|coauthors=Tout-Smith Lynda|title=The Native Plants of Adelaide|publisher=Department for Environment and Heritage|date=2005|pages=p.48|isbn=0-646-44313-5] "A. behriana" is found in all mainland Australian States. [cite web|url=|title=Aristida behriana F.Muell.|work=New South Wales Flora Online|accessdate=2008-07-29]


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