- Jussi Parikka
Jussi Parikka is a Finnish
new media theorist and senior lecturer inmedia studies atAnglia Ruskin University inCambridge . He is also an adjunct research scholar at the International Institute for Popular Culture at theUniversity of Turku inFinland .Biography
Dr. Parikka earned a Ph.D. in Cultural History from the
University of Turku . He is a member of the Editorial Board for Fibreculture-journal and a member of theLeonardo Journal Digital Reviews Panel.Parikka has published various articles on
digital art ,digital culture andcultural theory in Finnish and English in journals such asCtheory , Fibreculture, Postmodern Culture and Game Studies. He has published two single authored books, one in Finnish onmedia theory in the age ofcybernetics (Koneoppi. Ihmisen, teknologian ja median kytkennät, (2004)) and one in English, entitled Digital Contagions: A Media Archaeology of Computer Viruses (2007).Digital Contagions is the first book to offer a comprehensive and critical analysis of the culture and history of the
computer virus phenomenon. The book maps the anomalies ofnetwork culture from the angles of security concerns, the biopolitics ofdigital systems, and the aspirations forartificial life insoftware .The genealogy of network culture is approached from the standpoint of accidents that are endemic to the digital
media ecology . Viruses, worms, and othersoftware objects are not, then, seen merely from the perspective ofanti-virus research or practical security concerns, but as cultural and historical expressions that traverse anon-linear field from fiction to technical media, fromnet art to politics of software.Research activity
Dr. Parikka's research activities include
continental philosophy ,media theory , the politics and history ofnew media , mediaarchaeology , new materialist cultural analysis and various other topics relating toanomalies , media and the body.Areas of expertise
digital culture ,new media and theInternet
*cultural theory
*cyborg s and other approaches to the body incyberculture
*media historyBibliography
* ( 2007) Digital Contagions. A Media Archaeology of Computer Viruses, Peter Lang: New York. Digital Formations-series. ISBN: 978-0-8204-8837-0
* (2004) Koneoppi. Ihmisen, teknologian ja median kytkennät. Kulttuurituotannon ja maisemantutkimuksen laitoksen julkaisuja, University of Turku: Pori. (Machinology: The Interfaces of Humans, Technology and Media). ISBN: 9512925699Edited books and special issues
* (Forthcoming, 2008) The Spam Book: On Viruses, Porn, and Other Anomalies from the Dark Side of Digital Culture. (With
Tony D. Sampson ). Cresskill: Hampton Press.
* ( 2008) In Medias Res. Hakuja mediafilosofiaan. (With Olli-Jukka Jokisaari & Pasi Väliaho). Eetos-julkaisusarja, Turku. [In Medias Res: On Continental Media Philosophy.]
* (2003) Aivot ja elokuva-erikoisnumero Lähikuva 2/2003 (With Pasi Väliaho). [Brain and Cinema-special issue.]
* (2003) Kohtaamisia ajassa - kulttuurihistoria ja tulkinnan teoria. (With Sakari Ollitervo and Timo Väntsi). Turun yliopisto, k & h-kustannus, Kulttuurihistoria-Cultural History 3. [Encounters in Time: Cultural History and Theory of Interpretation.]
* (2003) Mediataide-erikoisnumero Widerscreen 3/2003. (With Katve-Kaisa Kontturi). [Media art-special issue.]Selected articles
* ( 2008) "Politics of Swarms: Translations Between Entomology and Biopolitics." Parallax vol. 14, issue 3.
* ( 2008) "Copy." In: Software Studies. A Lexicon. Edited by Matthew Fuller. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
* ( 2007) "Contagion and Repetition - On the Viral Logic of Contemporary Culture." Ephemera - Theory & Politics in Organization vol.7, no.2, (May 2007).
* (2007) "Fictitious Viruses - Computer Virus in the Science-Fiction Literature of the 1970s." In: SciFi in the Minds Eye: Reading Science Through Science Fiction. Edited by Margret Grebowicz. Open Court Publishing.
* ( 2007) "Insects, Sex and Biodigitality in Lynn Hershman Leeson's Teknolust." Postmodern Culture volume 17, 2/2007.
* (2007) "Control and Accident: Images of Thought in the Age of Cybernetics." NMEDIAC - The Journal of New Media and Culture vol. 4 no. 1.
* (2006) "Victorian Snakes? Towards A Cultural History of Mobile Games and the Experience of Movement." Game Studies 1/2006. (With Jaakko Suominen.)
* (2006) "Kohti materiaalisen ja uuden kulttuurianalyysia, eli representaation hyödystä ja haitasta elämälle." (With Milla Tiainen). Kulttuurintutkimus 2/2006, 3-20.
* (2005) "The Universal Viral Machine - Bits, Parasites and the Media Ecology of Network Culture." CTheory - An International Journal of Theory, Technology and Culture, 15.12.2005. Translation in Portuguese ("A Máquina Viral Universal", Fileguest 2006 conference catalogue, Rio de Janeiro). The english version also republished in the Spanish Aminima-magazine.
*(2005) "Digital Monsters, Binary Aliens - Computer Viruses, Capitalism and the Flow of Information." Fibreculture, issue 4. A slightly edited version forthcoming in Infrasense-catalogue.
* (2005) "Viral Noise and the (Dis)Order of the Digital Culture". M/C Journal of Media / Culture. Vol. 7, issue 6 (Jan. 2005).External links
* [http://www.jussiparikka.com official site of Dr. Jussi Parikka]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.