- Abdul Rahim Nagori
Prof. Abdul Rahim Nagori (1939-), is a
Pakistan i painter known for his socio-political themes [ [http://www.dawn.com/weekly/gallery/archive/040911/gallery2.htm In the name of peace, Daily Dawn, 2004] ] cite news|url=http://jang.com.pk/thenews/sep2007-weekly/tapest-20-09-2007/index.html|title=Nagori – Voice of conscience|last=Salwat|first=Ali|date=2007-09-20|publisher=Daily Jang|accessdate=2008-08-09] . He has held one-man exhibitions since 1958. [cite book|last=Romasa|first=Amber|title=Nagori : voice of conscience|editor=Karachi : Foundation for Museum of Modern Art|publisher=Oxford : Oxford University Press|date=2006|isbn=9789698896027]Exhibitions
*1982: Anti militarism and violence exhibition which got censored and banned by the martial law regime [http://www.theimpressionists.net/nagori/data/1982.htm Brush with authority, The Chronicle of Pakistan] ] .
*1983: Anti martial law exhibition, sponsored byPakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ).
*1986: Anti-dictatorship Exhibition held at Indus Gallery, Karachi. Most powerful exhibition of his career where he exposed 62 different awful national events which shook the conscience of the nation [http://www.newsline.com.pk/newsJun2004/artlinejun2004.htm The Art of Protest by Salwat Ali, Newsline, June 2004] ] .
*1988: Anti-dictatorship Exhibition held at Indus Gallery, Karachi, Pakistan. Painted the evils of society by evolving new alphabet symbols for children, basing them on the events which took place in preceding two years. Bomb blasts, crime, dacoities, guns, heroin, Ojhri, Kalashnikov, rape etc. became new symbols of the alphabet [http://www.newsline.com.pk/newsJun2004/artlinejun2004.htm The Art of Protest by Salwat Ali, Newsline Magazine, June 2004] ] [ [http://www.bonhams.com/cgi-bin/public.sh/pubweb/publicSite.r?sContinent=ASIA&screen=lotdetailsNoFlash&iSaleItemNo=3825641&iSaleNo=16393&iSaleSectionNo=1 Bonhams Auction] ] .
*1990: "Road to Democracy" exhibition, reviewed by Mark Fineman of the Los Angeles Times. [cite news|title=PAKISTAN: Crises on Road to Democracy|last=Fineman|first=Mark|date=1988-11-27|publisher=Los Angeles Times ]
*1990: "I am you" Anti-violence exhibition, large hoarding for display on road side, sponsored by Deutsche Bank, participated by International Artists.
*1990: "Women of Myth and Reality" exhibition at Indus Gallery, Karachi. Repudiated the treatment meted out to the women [http://www.newsline.com.pk/newsJun2004/artlinejun2004.htm The Art of Protest by Salwat Ali, Newsline, June 2004] ] .
*1992: Exhibition on minority, held at Chawkhandi Art Gallery, Karachi. A series of 40 paintings was again a process of social and political protest for the mute, bewildered and confused society which finds itself full of tears, shame, anguish and anger.
*1994: Exhibition "Black amongst Blacks" held at Lahore Art Gallery, Lahore.
*2004: Exhibition "Return to Sphinx" held at [http://www.rcc.com.pk/vmartgal.htm V.M. Art Gallery] , Karachi [ [http://www.theimpressionists.net/nagori/Herald%20p150%20-%20June%202004.htm Reality Bites, Herald Magazine, p150, June Issue, 2004] ] .Education
1961-65: B.A. (Hon), Fine Arts (Painting), M.A. Fine Arts (Painting),
University of the Punjab ,Lahore ,Pakistan .Served As
*1965-66: Lecturer, Dept of Fine Arts,
University of the Punjab , Lahore.
*1966-67: Head of Fine Arts,Cadet College Kohat , Kohat.
*1966-70: Education Officer,Pakistan Air Force .
*1970: Founder Head Dept. of Fine Art atUniversity of Sindh , Jamshoro.
*1985-1995: Professor, Fine Arts,University of Sindh , Jamshoro.
*1983-86: Member BOG,National College of Arts , Lahore.
*1984-85: Member NAHE,University Grants Commission (Pakistan) , Islamabad.
*1984: Chairman, Curriculum Committee, Art Teachers Training Programme, Ministry of Education, Islamabad.
*1997-98: Advisor, Federal College of Art and Design, Jamshoro.
*1996-1997: Director,Pakistan National Council of the Arts , Ministry of Culture.
*1998-: Member BOG, Shaukat Suriya College of Liberal Arts,Hamdard University , Karachi.
*1998:Member BOG,Pakistan National Council of the Arts , Ministry of Culture.Published letters
* [http://www.dawn.com/2001/11/26/letted.htm#12 National Art Gallery, Daily Dawn Newspaper, November 26, 2001]
* [http://www.dawn.com/2002/05/14/letted.htm#5 Shifting of Archives, Daily Dawn, May 14, 2002]
* [http://www.dawn.com/2002/09/01/letted.htm#6 Pride of Performance, Daily Dawn September 01, 2002]
* [http://www.dawn.com/2002/09/12/letted.htm#4 When Merit Suffers, Daily Dawn, September 12, 2002]
* [http://www.dawn.com/2002/10/14/fea.htm#3 On Khushwant Singh, Daily Dawn, October 14, 2002]
* [http://www.dawn.com/2002/12/09/letted.htm#7 Artists and political subjects, Daily Dawn, December 09, 2002]
* [http://www.dawn.com/2004/10/03/letted.htm#4 Mulk Raj Anand, Daily Dawn, October 03, 2004]Published articles
* [http://www.arnagori.com/gallery/pdf/a_change_for_the_worse.pdf A change for the worse, The Star, January 9, 1986]
* [http://www.arnagori.com/gallery/pdf/can_art_be_called_islamic.pdf Can Art be called Islamic? The Star Newspaper April 13, 1986]
* [http://www.arnagori.com/gallery/pdf/a_search_in_the_wrong_direction.pdf A search in the wrong direction, The Star, June 12, 1986]
* [http://www.arnagori.com/gallery/pdf/art_and_the_pakistani_press.pdf Art and the Pakistani Press, The Star, August 7, 1986]
* [http://www.arnagori.com/gallery/pdf/the_artists_place_in_society.pdf The artists' place in society, September 4, 1986]
* [http://www.arnagori.com/gallery/pdf/the_wily_serpent_lives.pdf The wily serpent lives, The Star, December 4, 1986]
* [http://www.arnagori.com/gallery/pdf/riveras_resolution.pdf Riveras Resolution, The Star, May 21, 1987]
* [http://www.arnagori.com/gallery/pdf/the_arts_as_social_awacks.pdf The arts as social AWACKS, The Star Newspaper, October 8, 1987]
* [http://www.arnagori.com/gallery/pdf/a_land_of_equal_opportunity.pdf A land of equal opportunity]
* [http://www.arnagori.com/gallery/pdf/in_scorn_of_official_overtures.pdf In scorn of official overtures]
* [http://www.arnagori.com/gallery/pdf/the_unaesthetic_realities_of_life.pdf The unaesthetic realities of life]
* [http://www.arnagori.com/gallery/pdf/trading_horses_for_art.pdf Trading Horses for Art, The News International, December 7, 1992]
* [http://www.arnagori.com/gallery/pdf/art_under_dictatorship.pdf Art under dictatorship, Seminar Paper read at Goethe Institute, Karachi, October 18, 1996]References
External links
* [http://www.arnagori.com Official Website of A. R. Nagori]
* [http://www.dawn.com/2002/07/14/local16.htm Tribute paid to Ali Imam, Daily Dawn, July 14, 2002]
* [http://www.dawn.com/weekly/gallery/archive/040508/gallery3.htm Return to the Sphinx, Daily Dawn Newspaper, Gallery, May 04, 2004]
* [http://www.newsline.com.pk/newsJun2004/artlinejun2004.htm The Art of Protest, Newsline Magazine, June Edition, 2004]
* [http://www.dawn.com/2005/03/02/local12.htm Sadequain Remembered, Daily Dawn Newspaper, March 2, 2005]
* [http://www.jang.com.pk/thenews/aug2006-weekly/nos-20-08-2006/enc.htm#2 Portrait of a Protest, The News International, August 20, 2006]
* [http://www.dawn.com/weekly/gallery/archive/060826/gallery5.htm Rebel with a cause, Daily Dawn Newspaper, August 26, 2006]
* [http://www.dawn.com/weekly/books/archive/060917/books2.htm Book Review: The paintings on the wall, Daily Dawn Newspaper, September 17, 2006]
* [http://jang.com.pk/thenews/sep2007-weekly/tapest-20-09-2007/index.html#1 Nagori–Voice of conscience, The News International, September 20, 2007]
* [http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2008
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