- Browserless Web
orphan = August 2008
expand = August 2008
onesource = August 2008Browserless Web is a term that describes communication between
web application s without the need for aweb browser .cite web
url = http://www.networkworld.com/news/2001/0129browserless.html
title = Make way for the 'browserless Web'
publisher =Network World
first = John
last = Cox
date = 2001-01-29
accessdate = 2008-08-20] cite web
url = http://searchsoa.techtarget.com/sDefinition/0,,sid26_gci518145,00.html
title = Definition of "browserless Web"
publisher = SearchSOA.com
date = 2001-01-30
accessdate = 2008-08-20] The term was coined in an article byNetwork World , referring mainly tobusiness-to-business interaction.References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.