List of recurring villains from Teamo Supremo

List of recurring villains from Teamo Supremo

This article details the villains on the Disney animated series "Teamo Supremo". This list only includes villains who have appeared at least twice, as none of them have ever been featured in more than five episodes.

Most of these villains also made a cameo appearance in the episode "Will of the People!" However, this episode is not counted as an official featured episode for these villains, as they were not the featured villains of that episode.


The Angler was a former fishing show host named Billy Jim Dickson until he was fired and had his fishing license revoked upon the discovery that the fish he caught were store-bought and that he was lip synching his fishing tips. Now he plans to steal all the fish in the world using a special high tech lure that attracts any fish, so that if anyone wants to buy fish, they have to come to him. He and his henchmen were defeated by Teamo Supremo and the non-fish inhabitants of the sea.

Featured Episodes:
* The Angler's Angle

= =Barney the Bungler =

Barney the Bungler was Barney Burns, a man who was fired from a series of jobs after messing things up. Angered by this, he turned to a life of crime, but kept messing every criminal activity up.

Featured Episodes:
* "Beware the Bungler"

Baron Blitz

* Voice Actor: Maurice LaMarche

Baron Blitz was the first villain that Teamo went up against, and is described as insidious and cruel. He has a Napoleon complex (as shown by his clothing style) and speaks with a German accent. He also has blue skin, which suggests that he comes from another planet; however, his origins are never explained. Blitz has usually made attempts to take over the State by stealing money in order to gain power. More recently, though, he has upgraded his goal to world domination, which he has yet to do because of his continuous losses to Teamo. His minions usually consist of wax statues which he has brought to life by use of remote control (judging from his appearance, it could be alien technology), but he has also included bronze football players and audio-animatronics in his repertoire of pawns made from inanimate objects.

Featured Episodes:
* "In the Beginning..."
* "The Baron and the Baby Brother!"
* "Calling Captain Excellent!"
* "The Baron's Blitz!"
* "Science Friction!"

Big Skull and the Cloaked Skull

* Voice Actor: Joe Flaherty (Cloaked Skull)

Big Skull is an intergalactic supervillain/Real Estate developer who wanted to steal the moon in order to create better surfing waves for his customers with beach-front property. His main weapon is the criminal known as The Cloaked Skull, Once thought to be only a singular individual, The Cloaked Skull was revealed to be part of a Skull army that Big Skull had created, who dress in identical costumes and wear the same style skull mask with hypnosis chips in them which Big Skull used on various beings from Earth and space. It’s members dress in identical costumes and wear the same mask. He also seems to know Crandall somehow cause in the episode he premiered in, after seeing Teamo, he recognized Crandall and stated that he should have destroyed him when he stole the hypnosis chip from his home planet.

Featured Episodes:
* "The Haunted House on Horror Hill"
* "Cloaked Paulson, Mr. Skull!" + "3, 2, 1... Teamo!"

The Birthday Bandit

* Voice Actor: Mark Hamill

The Birthday Bandit was formerly a clown for hire who went by the name of B.B. the Clown. Upset over the fact that he never received any good birthday gifts himself, he turned to crime because of that. He usually shows up to steal from birthday parties or other special occasions that involve gift-giving. He has been shown causing chaos at Crandall's and Brenda's birthday parties, and has also made mention of planning to rob Hector's birthday (which comes about a month after Valentine's Day).

The Bandit's henchmen are called his Party Favors, and consist of a fat man wearing an orange jester's hood, a comparatively thin man wearing a green one, and a woman with a yellow hood. The two male Party Favors have never been referred to by name, but the female one is named Evelyn, and has been known to work alongside her boss without the other two Party Favors.

The Bandit has also been harboring a crush on Dutch actress Viva Voom, even sending her cards every Valentine's Day. But since Viva is already in love with Governor Kevin, the feeling obviously isn't mutual. This rejection led to the Bandit changing his name to the Valentine Bandit, and his Party Favors being called his Lonely Hearts. As the Valentine Bandit, he attempted to ruin Valentine's Day for the state and kidnapped Viva, but he was still unsuccessful in escaping capture by Teamo.

Featured Episodes:
* "Who Invited the Birthday Bandit?"
* "It's Crandall's Birthday - Bandit!"
* "The Birthday Bash!"
* "Brenda's Birthday - Bandit!"
* "Will You Be My Valentine Bandit?"
* "A Very Unlucky St. Patrick Bandit! / It's The Easter Bandit!,Cap!


Car-Go is a criminal racecar driver who, in an illegal grand prix race, lost the pink slip for his stock car. Upset by this, he and his henchmen set out to steal the fastest cars they could find.

Featured Episodes:
* "Getaway Car-Go"


Cheapskate is a skating villain who leads a group of skating henchmen on a crime spree leaving Skate Lad the blame. When he and his henchmen make themselves known, Cheapskate is defeated by Skate Lad.

Featured Episodes:
* "Enter the Cheapskates"

Chopper Daddy & Scooter Lad

* Voice Actor: Pamela Adlon (Scooter Lad)

Chopper Daddy leads a gang of notorious motorcyclists.

Scooter Lad is Chopper Daddy's son, and according to Chopper Daddy, his real name is Snake. He has twice fooled Teamo into believing they can trust him, and especially rivals Skate Lad. The first time around, he gains Captain Crandall and Rope Girl's trust, and then helps Chopper Daddy escape whenever they've seemingly caught him. Fortunately, Hector finds out about Snake's relation to Chopper Daddy and helps his friends after they find out the truth. Snake later reappears, along with a trio of similarly-dressed peers, as Hector's competitor in the Y-Games, this time claiming to have turned over a new leaf, and his real name to be Justin. In actuality, though, he and his friends are stealing things from various stores for Chopper Daddy, causing Teamo to be distracted from the games. Soon afterward, Teamo eventually discovers that Justin has lied about everything he said earlier, including his name change, and succeed in recapturing him and Chopper Daddy.

It seems obvious that Chopper Daddy must've married someone in order to have Scooter Lad, but the subject of Scooter Lad's mother is never brought up (although "Justin" could be the name she intended to give him). However, it's apparent that Chopper Daddy & Scooter Lad going to a life of crime must've been what drove her away.

Featured Episodes:
* "And Then There Were Two..."
* "The Wrath of Scooter Lad!"

Comrade Z

* Voice Actor: Maurice LaMarche

Comrade Z is an old enemy of the Silver Shield. He appears to be a parody of Baron Zemo.

Featured Episodes:
* "The Mark of Comrade Z"

DJ Despicable

* Voice Actor: Casey Kasem

DJ Despicable is a supervillain who used to be a popular radio DJ who created a song for Teamo called "Doin' the Supremo", however, he unwitingly signed a record contract that didn't allow him to collect royalties. Enraged by this, he changed his name to DJ Despicable and uses a special music to hypnotize people into doing a dance while he's on his crime spree. He was defeated by Teamo Supremo.

Featured Episodes
* "Doin' the Supremo!"

Dastardly Dentist

* Voice Actor: Tim Curry

A maniacal dentist who used a machine to absorb people's minds, thereby turning them into mindless zombies who chew on everything, thereby ruining their teeth, and allowing him to make money being their dentist, he nearly absorbed Crandall's mind and was beaten by Teamo.

Featured Episodes:
* "An Appointment with the Dentist"


* Voice Actor: Diedrich Bader

Dehydro is an aquatic villain who plans to take over the city by flooding it. He was a former cruise director/diving instructor, who gave up those jobs and now believes humanity's true destiny lies beneath the waves. He one time teamed up with Helius Inflato and Laser Pirate in one occasion.

Featured Episodes:
* "Reservoir Frogs!"
* "When Elements Unite!"
* "Out to Dry!"

Dr. Droid

Dr. Droid is a robot-obsessed scientist who plotted to replace everyone with robots, due to the fact that he believes robots to be superior. During his first appearance, he used his bots to replace nearly everyone in the state, even Rope Girl and Skate Lad, until only Crandall was left. Unfortunatly, the robots turned on Droid, who helped Crandall to shut them down. He later returned, united with the Mischevious Manager, to create a robotic Tiffany Javelins.

Featured Episodes:
* "Enter Dr. Droid"
* "Play it Again Songstress!"

Dr. Minutia

Captain Excellent's 2nd greatest foe after Big Skull, Dr. Minutia and his muscular henchman Cosmo, sought to shrink the entire state using his special shrink ray.

Featured Episodes:
* "Micro Supremo!"

Dr. Pogo

Dr. Pogo, who's real name is Collin Coil, was a boy who, from a very early age was obsessed with and loved all things made with springs. He soon became enraged at soceity's apparent lack of spring appreciation and vowed to make them pay by stealing springs from every sort of device, he usually commits his crimes while riding on an ordinary pogo stick.

Featured Episodes
* "Pogo Panic"


Real Name: Polly Pixel

Electronica is a villainess/game designer who desires revenge on the world for using cheat codes to beat her games. She wears gloves that shoot metal tentacles from compartments on the knuckles, the tentacles emit electricity and can destroy any electronic device. She later escapes from prison and, using a red wig and glasses, disquses herself using the fake name of Lilly Poplex (an anagram of her real name), and began to date Mr.Paulson in order to get her hands on the blueprints for a device that would allow her to control any electrical object, however, she was beaten and jailed once more.

Featured Episodes:
* "Electronica's Game!"
* "Electronica's Game 2.0!"
* "Electronica's Game 3.0!"


* Voice Actor: Nicole Sullivan

Erica Fabrica is a supervillain who planned revenge upon the world for abandoning their stuffed animals. She uses a spray that can bring the stuffed animals to life. When Teamo Supremo and some kids broke the spell on the stuffed animals, Fabrica was taken to jail by the Chief.

Featured Episodes:
* "Attack of the Stuffed Stuff"

The Gauntlet

* Voice Actor: Wallace Shawn

The Gauntlet (AKA Mr. Crawford) formerly worked as a coworker of Paulson, and a rather clumsy one at that, He is also quite power-hungry. After fouling up too many times, he steals a pair of ultra-powerful gloves that can be used to magnetize and control anything metallic, and uses them to wreak havoc on the State, calling himself the Gauntlet. (He originally intends to call himself Mr. Gloves, but abandons that name because of how ridiculous it sounded.) However, Teamo is able to beat him by using nonmetallic versions of their weapons and tricking him into using too much of the gloves energy at full power, causing them to overheat and shut off, and trapping him inside a giant steel ball. Not one to let a single loss stop him, he steals the gloves again in another episode, only to be tricked into simply handing the gloves to Teamo.

Crawford returns, however, for the show's closing episode, this time having upgraded from powerful gloves to all-powerful supersuit. But this time, instead of simply causing destruction, he aims to murder Teamo, especially Captain Crandall. To do this, he captures Paulson & Samantha, then does the same for Governor Kevin and Chief Epsilon, whom he holds captive in the Lobster of Liberty. When Teamo shows up to save them, Crawford throws the statue down on them, seemingly killing them. But his victory is short-lived, for then Captain Crandall's superpowers finally show up, and Crawford loses all his power when Cap throws his own beams back at him.

Featured Episodes:
* "Running the Gauntlet!"
* "Tossing the Gauntlet!"
* "The Gauntlet's New Gloves!"

General Incompetence & Major Delays

Info coming soon...

Featured Episodes:
* "State of Chaos"

Helius Inflato

Helius Inflato is an obese villain and a former rubber tire, air matress and balloon salesman, who took revenge against Governor Kevin because he had rejected a bill that would have allowed Inflato to build a gambling casino. Through unknown means, he can inlflate his body, allowing him to float in midair and can use balloons and other inflation items as weapons. He once teamed up with Dehydro and Laser Pirate. His henchmen, known as his High Rollers are parodies of 3 members of The Rat Pack: Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, Jr., and Peter Lawford

Featured Episodes:
* "Danger: Dirigibles!"
* "When Elements Unite!"
* "Raising the State!"
* "The Governor's Analyst!"


* Voice Actor: April Winchell

Hypnotheria is a supervillain who can hypnotize anyone into doing anything. She was once a promising docteral candidate seeking PHD's in both Royal European History and Applied Hypnosis. After researching both for some time, she came to believe that she herself should be the queen of the state and began using her mastery of hypnosis to turn the state into her Queendom. She used her powers to hypnotize Teamo Supremo into eating junk food until they managed to break free from the hypnosis and capture her.

Featured Episodes:
* "Appetite for...Dessert"
* "The Chief of Cheer"

Laser Pirate

* Voice Actor: Tim Curry

Laser Pirate is a high-tech pirate who loves to steal all types of high-tech machinery. His real name is Larry, and he was once Paulson's dormmate until a pool accident shorted out one of his inventions. As a result, he can't stand water even when it came to the time when he teamed up with Helius Inflato and Dehydro. His main weapon is his laser hook, which can morph into other weapons, such as a laser blade and a laser cannon. In his travels, Laser Pirate is flanked by three henchmen, also dressed as pirates, going by the names Mauvebeard, Chartrusebeard, and Indigobeard.

Featured Episodes:
* "Capitol Offense!"
* "When Elements Unite!"
* "Pyrite and Pirates!"
* "Meat The ThunderPirates!"

Le Poodle

Le Poodle was France's most notrious cat burglar, who traveled to Teamo's state to rob its museums, during his first appearance, he used a secret transmitter hidden in a locket that was given to Crandall's sister, Jean by one of his henchmen (Jean didnt know the boy worked for Le Poodle) to listen in on Teamo's plans and stay one step ahead of them. Teamo found out about this and used the transmitter to fool Le Poodle and managed to catch him. He later returned on Cinco De Mayo, to steal and destroy all the Cinco De Mayo related food and items to get revenge for France's wartime defeat on that day.

Featured Episodes:
* "My Sister the Spy!"
* "Not on my Cinco de Mayo!"

Libro Shushman

A sinister librarian who attempted to steal all the state's words with her Dictionary of Doom when she got tired of dealing with people who return library books overdue.

Featured Episodes:
* "Word Search"


Lo-Fi's real name was Daniel Patrick, and was once one of the state's finest musicians. However, one night, after the public rejected his experimental low frequency compositions, he swore revenge on both musicians and music lovers, and turned to a life of crime. His primary weapon is his cello, which is hooked up to a special speaker device he wears on his chest that allows the cello to emit sonic waves when played. He planned to hook this device up to a satellite dish and use it to transmit a huge sonic wave that would destroy the state's music festival, but was beaten by Teamo.

Featured Episodes:
* "The Chief's New Groove"

Lord Druid

Lord Druid is a villain who dresses in 18th century british clothing and claims to be descended from a royal family that once ruled over the state. He and his henchman stole some rocks with an unstable molelcular structure that gives it unusual properties and used them to form a Stonehenge-like structure so that he can go back in time and prevent the city from becoming a democratic land, thereby allowing his ancestors monarchy to continue to flourish and making him ruler of the state.

Featured Episodes:
* "Enter Lord Druid"

Madame Snake

Madame Snake is a dangerous Femme Fatale and one of Teamo's most prominent enemies. She was once a successful Model/Fashion Designer, until she had a bizarre accident involiving a batch of experimental shower gel (this incident is never fully explained in the show), which, in addition to giving her a snake like appearance, endowed her with the power to compress her skeleton and mold her face, making her a master of disquise and severely warping her mind, she plans to use her powers to steal all the designer clothing in the state, making so that everyone will be forced to wear her clothing designs (which look horrible).

Featured Episodes:
* "The Sinister Substitute!"
* "Mr. Large's Slippery Scheme!"
* "Go It Alone!"


Mirrorstar was a villain, who ever since he was an overly cute and coddled kid, has loved mirrors, mainly the act of staring into them. He is very vain, self-centered, and above all narcissistic. He attempted to steal all the mirrors in the state to build one massive mirror to check himself out in.

Featured Episodes:
* "The Big Image Problem"

Mischievous Manager

The Mischievous Manager was the manager of Sally Smith, aka Tiffany Javelins. She told Tiffany how to dress, what to sing, and how to act, so that her fans would imitate her and spend money on her merchandise, however, she was stopped by Teamo. She later returned, having teamed up with Dr. Droid to create a robotic Tiffany to once again try to sell merchandise.

Featured Episodes:
* "Sounds of the Songstress"
* "Play it Again Songstress!"

Mr. Alchemy

Info coming soon...

Featured Episodes:
* "Happy Holidays, Mr. Gruff!"

Mr. Large

* Voice Actor: Edward Asner

Mr. Large has the appearance of a typical mobster, and even the mannerisms of one. He prefers to steal large things, as his name suggests.

He was once the head of a giant criminal organization known as The Big Syndicate until he was arrested and later released on a technicality, and now seeks to attract new members by staging really big attractive robberies.

Unlike most of the villains Teamo regularly faces, Mr. Large's henchmen have names - Ernie the Hat, Mickey the Shirt, and Rosie the Purse.

Featured Episodes:
* "Grounded!"
* "Mr. Large's Slippery Scheme!"

Mr. Vague

Mr. Vague is a villain who is never specific about what he wants to steal, or about anything else (such as what to eat for lunch), which severely annoys everyone, including his own henchmen.

Henchmen: Vagueabonds

Featured Episodes:
* "Mr. Vague Does Something..."
* "Uncontrollable Goopy Substance!"

Put-Down Artist

The Put-Down Artist was an insult comic who TV funnyman Maurecio refused to have on his show, so in retalliation, he used his edgy insult comedy to offend and humiliate everyone, even Teamo. He and his henchmen, which he calls his Hecklers, appeared to have succeded, as Mauricio made a deal with Put-Down by giving him his own comedy special in exchange for him to stop insulting people. However, Teamo managed to beat him by giving him a taste of his own verbally abusive medicine.

"'Featured Episodes
* "The Big Put Down"

inister Stylist

The Sinister Stylist was once a famous soap opera actress named Coco Caliente who after being mocked and ridiculed for an outrageous hairdo she sported at an awards show by the almost constant laughter of the audience attending that year's state awards show, swore revenge by giving everyone horrible haircuts and mocking them as they had mocked her.

Featured Episodes:
* "The Sinister Stylist"


The Songstress' real name is Tiffany Javelins, and she was a famous pop star who millions of girls idolized, even Rope Girl, causing them to follow her and do whatever she wanted. Crandall and Hector later discovered that Tiffany's real name is Sally Smith, and everything about her, from her look, to how she acted, to what she sang, was really the work of the Mischievous Manager, who wanted to use her to make kids spend money on her merchandise. However, this plot was exposed and Tiffany regretted what she had done, and she and the Manager were sent to prison.

Later on, Tiffany staged a state-wide comeback tour, seemingly back to her manipulative ways, however, it was discovered that this was actually a robotic Tiffany designed by the team of Dr. Droid and the Mischievous Manager, who planned to use the Robot Tiffany to again gain loyal followers who would spend tons of money on merchandise. However, Teamo, with the help of the real Tiffany, managed to stop the robots and defeat the villains.

Later on, Tiffany became Teamo's music coach when they went undercover as a rock band in order to stop a pair of villains who were using a device to suck the talent out of performers.

Featured Episodes:
* "Sounds of the Songstress"
* "Play it Again Songstress!"
* "Teamo Rocks!"

Technor the Mechanized Man

Technor the Mechanized Man was the second villain Teamo had to face, and also the first one they lost against in their first battle. He was originally invented by Paulson to be a computerized psychologist, as part of a universal health care program (Due to the fact that his services would be covered by most insurance carriers). However, the funding was pulled, which caused Technor to go balistic, he has since gone power-hungry. He is often shown thrashing around the city for power, accompanied by his (human?) minions, the TechnoCreeps. He usually does his power-draining in his walking android, the MagnaBody, which is built to resemble a rather tall man. Technor himself sits upon the MagnaBody where the head would be. Later on, the MagnaBody was greatly enlarged and disguised as a shopping mall. Technor's defeats usually end with him being shut down, although in his third and last appearance on the show, his shutdown occurred in a different manner than previously, so it is doubtful that Technor will ever strike again.Technor appears to be visually based on the Marvel Comics villain MODOK, a giant head with arms and legs constrained to a chair, and his TechnoCreeps are likewise similar to MODOK's minions at Advanced Idea Mechanics in their classic "bee-keeper" helmets.

Featured Episodes:
* "Duly Deputized Secret Agents!"
* "The Return of Technor!"
* "Welcome to the Magna Mall!"


* Voice Actor: Tress MacNeille

Frenchy Stakas is a tour guide who takes a lot of pride in the national monuments. Not liking disrespect to them, she ends up having her henchmen steal them and put them in a place where they will be respected, using facts she knows about the monuments to aid in her escapes. After a battle with Teamo Supremo, she surrendered when the battle was starting to damage the monuments.

Featured Episodes:
* "A Monumental Crisis"


Trapster is a Canadian villain who specializes in traps during his crime spree.

Featured Episodes:
* "You Better Start Calling Me Chief"

Will 2 Wynn

Will 2 Wynn was Governor Kevin's opponent in his re-election. His real name is William Aloysius Wynn, but when Governor Kevin beat him in the election for high school class president (which according to Kevin, was the only time Wynn lost at anything), Wynn changed his name to Will 2 Wynn. Will seemed certain to win the election due to his massive campagin fund, which came from a group known as "Will's Friends". After doing some investigating in the archives, Teamo discovered that the group consisted of many of their archenemies, which caused Will to reveal his true motive. Will planned to get back at Governor Kevin for beating him, by helping every villain in the state get back at Teamo. However, Will was beaten and his criminal dealings were exposed, causing him to lose the election, as state law prohibits the election of anyone in jail.

Featured Episodes:
* "The Will of the People"


The Zomnambulist is a villain who can enter anyone's dreams. Once a prominent dream researcher, he vowed revenge after he was refused a grant for some radical new dream research. He planned to use his device to give everyone nightmares, causing them to become sleep deprived, forcing them to turn to him for help, during which he would charge them large amounts of money and become very rich.

Featured Episodes:
* "Things That Go Bump in the Night"

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  • Teamo Supremo — Also known as Disney s Teamo Supremo Genre Animation, Action, Comedy Written by Craig McCracken Rob Renzetti Directed by Fred Seibert …   Wikipedia

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