Kappa Delta

Kappa Delta

Infobox Fraternity
letters= ΚΔ
name= Kappa Delta
founded= Birth date and age|1897|10|23
birthplace= State Female Normal School, (Farmville, Virginia)
type= Social
scope= National
motto= Let us strive for that which is honorable, beautiful and highest
colors= Olive Green and Pearl White
symbol= Nautilus Shell, Dagger, Teddy Bear, Katydid
flower= White Rose
jewel= Diamond, Emerald, Pearl
philanthropy= Girl Scouts of the USA, Prevent Child Abuse America, Orthopaedic Research Awards,
Children's Hospital of Richmond Virginia
members= 200,000
address= 3205 Players Lane
city= Memphis
state= Tennessee
country= USA
homepage= http://www.kappadelta.org

Kappa Delta (ΚΔ) was the first sorority founded at the State Female Normal School (now Longwood University), in Farmville, Virginia. It is one of the "Farmville Four" sororities founded at the universities (the others are Alpha Sigma Alpha, Sigma Sigma Sigma, and Zeta Tau Alpha; a clock tower at the university campus with a clock face representing each sorority is dedicated to the four).

Kappa Delta currently has over 200,000 alumnae, as well as 10,000 undergraduate members in 133 active collegiate chapters. Kappa Delta also has 493 chartered alumnae associations, the most of any National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) group. Its headquarters are located in Memphis, Tennessee.


Kappa Delta was founded by Lenora Ashmore Blackiston, Mary Sommerville Sparks Hendrick, Julia Gardiner Tyler Wilson, and Sara Turner White on the beliefs of friendship, fellowship and sisterly love. Kappa Delta has the distinction of being the only sorority to become a member of the National Panhellenic Conference immediately upon petition.

The Founders of KΔ:

Famous Firsts

Kappa Delta was the first sorority that was accepted into the National Panhellenic Conference as soon as they petitioned to join. Kappa Delta became the first National Panhellenic Conference group to form partnerships with various women's organizations that have a great effect on the role of women in leadership positions.

Kappa Delta Sorority has partnered with the Association of Junior Leagues International, which has a great impact on women's community leadership, the Girl Scouts of the USA, and the Women's Foundation in Memphis, Tennessee. Kappa Delta has founded National Women's Friendship Day to celebrate the friendships among women in this country. It is celebrated on the third Sunday in September.

Kappa Delta has also teamed up with Dove to promote the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty. This program teaches girls and women to have self-esteem, be confident in themselves, and to accept themselves for who they are.

Kappa Delta also started the KiDs Need to be KiDs Campaign after Hurricane Katrina. The campaign brought toys to kids who were affected by the Hurricane. Currently, the campaign has relaunched to help those affected by the fires in California. [ [http://www.kappadelta.org/content.aspx?audience=alumnae&item=News/kids2.xml Kappa Delta Sorority ] ] Kappa Delta sorority has the most philanthropies of any NPC sorority (4 organizations).

Kappa Delta Beliefs

*The Purpose:The purpose of Kappa Delta Sorority is to promote true friendship among the college girls of our country by inculcating into their hearts and lives those principles of truth, of honor, of duty, without which there can be no true friendship.

*The ObjectThe object of Kappa Delta Sorority is the formation and perpetuation of good fellowship, friendship and sisterly love among its members; the encouragement of literature and education; the promotion of social interest; and the furtherance of charitable and benevolent purposes.

*The CreedMay We, Sisters in Kappa Delta, strive each day to seek more earnestly the honorable and beautiful things. May We each day through love of those within our circle, Learn to know and understand better those without our circle. May the diamond shield that guards our love find us each day Truer, Wiser, More Faithful, More Loving, and More Noble.

*Open MottoTa Kala Diokomen.Let us strive for that which is honorable, beautiful and highest.

*VisionKappa Delta Sorority is committed to providing opportunities and experiences that inspire women to greatness.

*Mission StatementKappa Delta Sorority is a national organization for women committed to:
-Inspiring our members to reach their full potential;
-Preparing our members for community service, active leadership and responsible citizenship;
-Creating opportunities for lifetime involvement through innovative and responsive programs, and strategic collaborations and partnerships; and
-Fostering the development of our time-honored values within the context of friendship.


Kappa Delta supports four national philanthropies: Girl Scouts of the USA, Prevent Child Abuse America, the Children's Hospital of Richmond, Virginia, and Orthopaedic Research Awards. Every Kappa Delta collegiate chapter and many alumnae associations hold an annual "Shamrock Event" to raise money for Prevent Child Abuse America, as well as a local children's philanthropy of their chapter's choice. Since 1986 when the Shamrock project was founded, Kappa Deltas have raised over a million dollars for PCAA. Many KD chapters decide to adopt local Girl Scout troop. KDs help Girl Scouts with troop activities and service unit events including uniquelyMe programs, programs with the Dove Campaign for True Beauty, and Studio 2B.

Notable members

"For a full list of notable Kappa Delta alumnae, please visit here: [http://www.kappadelta.org/content.aspx?audience=alumnae&item=Alumnae/WhoWeAre/Famous%20KDs.xml Notable Kappa Deltas] "

Arts and Entertainment
*Brooke Anderson (Sigma Phi-University of Georgia) - journalist and anchor for "Showbiz Tonight" [cite web|title= Brooke Anderson - Living the Glamorous Life |url=http://friends.kappadelta.org/alumnaecontent.aspx?item=FN/Making%20Great%20Things%20Happen/AA/CA/brooke.xml |publisher=Kappa Delta's Alumnae Neighborhood of Tennessee |accessdate=2007-11-02]
*Ellen Albertini Dow (Omega Chi-Cornell) - actress, ("The Wedding Singer", "Wedding Crashers") [cite web| url =http://www.kappadelta.org/content.aspx?audience=alumnae&item=Alumnae/WhoWeAre/Famous/Dow.xml| title = Notable Kappa Deltas - Ellen Albertini Dow| publisher = Kappa Delta | accessdate =2007-07-25]
*Ali Landry (Gamma Kappa-Louisiana/Lafayette) - actress, Miss USA 1996; one of People magazines 199850 Most Beautiful People”; Frito-Lay spokesperson "Doritos Girl" [cite web| url =http://www.kappadelta.org/content.aspx?audience=alumnae&item=Alumnae/WhoWeAre/Famous/Landry.xml| title = Notable Kappa Deltas - Ali Landry| publisher = Kappa Delta | accessdate =2007-07-25]
*Georgia O'Keeffe (Beta-Chatham Episcopal) - artist, [cite web| url =http://www.kappadelta.org/content.aspx?audience=alumnae&item=Alumnae/WhoWeAre/Famous/Okeefe.xml| title = Notable Kappa Deltas - Georgia O'Keeffe| publisher = Kappa Delta | accessdate =2007-07-25]
*Debbie Maffett Wilson (Gamma Rho-Sam Houston State) - 1983 Miss America [cite web| url =http://www.kappadelta.org/content.aspx?audience=alumnae&item=Alumnae/WhoWeAre/Famous/Wilson.xml| title = Notable Kappa Deltas - Debbie Maffett Wilson| publisher = Kappa Delta | accessdate =2007-07-25]
*Sara James (Beta Alpha-Virgina) - Emmy Award-winning correspondent for Dateline NBC [cite web| url =http://www.kappadelta.org/content.aspx?audience=alumnae&item=Alumnae/WhoWeAre/Famous/James.xml| title = Notable Kappa Deltas - Sara James| publisher = Kappa Delta | accessdate =2007-07-25]

*Pearl S. Buck (Theta-Randolph Macon) - Nobel Prize Winner, Pulitzer Prize Winner [cite web| url =http://www.kappadelta.org/content.aspx?audience=alumnae&item=Alumnae/WhoWeAre/Famous/Buck.xml| title = Notable Kappa Deltas - Pearl Sydenstricker Buck| publisher = Kappa Delta | accessdate =2007-07-25]
*Joan Lowery Nixon (Theta Sigma-USC) - author [cite web| url =http://www.kappadelta.org/content.aspx?audience=alumnae&item=Alumnae/WhoWeAre/Famous/Nixon.xml| title = Notable Kappa Deltas - Joan Lowery Nixon| publisher = Kappa Delta | accessdate =2007-07-25]

*Claudia Kennedy (Alpha Delta-Rhodes) - first female three star general in the Army (now retired) [cite web| url =http://www.kappadelta.org/content.aspx?audience=alumnae&item=Alumnae/WhoWeAre/Famous/Kennedy.xml| title = Notable Kappa Deltas - Claudia Kennedy| publisher = Kappa Delta | accessdate =2007-07-25]

*Kathleen Babineaux Blanco (Gamma Kappa-Louisiana/Lafayette) - first female elected Governor of Louisiana [cite web| url =http://www.kappadelta.org/content.aspx?audience=alumnae&item=Alumnae/WhoWeAre/Famous/Blanco.xml| title = Notable Kappa Deltas - Kathleen Babineau Blanco| publisher = Kappa Delta | accessdate =2007-07-25]
*Jean Carpenter Carnahan (Epsilon Alpha-Missouri/Rolla) - U.S. Senator Missouri 2000-2002 [cite web| url =http://www.kappadelta.org/content.aspx?audience=alumnae&item=Alumnae/WhoWeAre/Famous/Carnahan.xml| title = Notable Kappa Deltas - Jean Carpenter Carnahan| publisher = Kappa Delta | accessdate =2007-07-25]
*Bonnie Dunbar (Sigma Iota-Washington) - NASA Astronaut [cite web| url =http://www.kappadelta.org/content.aspx?audience=alumnae&item=Alumnae/WhoWeAre/Famous/Dunbar.xml| title = Notable Kappa Deltas - Bonnie Dunbar| publisher = Kappa Delta | accessdate =2007-07-25]
*Christine O' Grady Gregoire (Sigma Iota-Washington) - Governor of Washingtoncite news| url =http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2002012883_guvsorority.html| title = Gubernatorial candidate Gregoire faced racial dilemma in college |first=Ralph |last=Thomas | publisher = Seattle Times| accessdate =2008-07-07]

*Suzy Spafford (Beta Rho-San Diego State) - creator of the Suzy's Zoo greeting cards [cite web| url =http://www.kappadelta.org/content.aspx?audience=alumnae&item=Alumnae/WhoWeAre/Famous/Lidstrom.xml| title = Notable Kappa Deltas - Suzy Spafford Lidstrom| publisher = Kappa Delta | accessdate =2007-07-25]
*Patricia Polito Miller (Sigma Upsilon-Indiana) - co-founder of Vera Bradley, former Secretary of Commerce for the State of Indiana, and CEO of the Indiana Economic Development Corporation. Recipient of Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year award and the Distinguished Alumni Service Award for her work with the Indiana University School of Medicine and the IU Foundation. [cite web| url =http://www.kappadelta.org/content.aspx?audience=alumnae&item=Alumnae/WhoWeAre/Famous/Miller.xml| title = Notable Kappa Deltas - Patricia Polito Miller| publisher = Kappa Delta | accessdate =2007-07-25]

*Nancy Thies Marshall (Sigma Omicron-Illinois) - 1972 Olympic Gymnast, current vice chair for Women of USA Gymnastics (formerly United States Gymnastics Federation), and is also a network television broadcaster [cite web| url =http://www.kappadelta.org/content.aspx?audience=alumnae&item=Alumnae/WhoWeAre/Famous/Marshall.xml| title = Notable Kappa Deltas - Nancy Thies Marshall| publisher = Kappa Delta | accessdate =2007-07-25]
*Trischa Zorn (Pi-University of Nebraska) - Paralympian [cite web| url =http://www.kappadelta.org/content.aspx?audience=alumnae&item=Alumnae/WhoWeAre/Famous/Zorn.xml| title = Notable Kappa Deltas - Trischa Zorn| publisher = Kappa Delta | accessdate =2007-07-25]

*Marjorie Mehne Culmer (Psi-Lawrence) National President of the Girl Scouts of the USA from 1957 until 1964. [cite web| url =http://www.kappadelta.org/content.aspx?audience=alumnae&item=Alumnae/WhoWeAre/Famous/Culmer.xml| title = Notable Kappa Deltas - Marjorie Mehne Culmer| publisher = Kappa Delta | accessdate =2007-07-25]



External links

* [http://www.kappadelta.org/ Kappa Delta Website]

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