- Robbins' problem (of optimal stopping)
Robbins' problem (of optimal stopping) is a problem of
optimal stopping , sometimes referred to as the fourthsecretary problem or the problem of minimizing the expected rank with full information. Its statement is as follows.Let X_1, ... , X_n be independent, identically distributed
random variables ,uniform on 0,1] . We observe the X_k's sequentially and must stop on exactly one of them. No recall of preceding observations is permitted. What stopping rule minimizes the expectedrank of the selected observation, and what is its corresponding value?The general solution to this full-information expected rank problem is unknown, and only some bounds are known for the limiting value as n goes to infinity.
Herbert Robbins presented the above described problem at theInternational Conference on Search and Selection in Real Time inAmherst ,1990 . He concluded his address with the words "I should like to see this problem solved before I die". Scientists working in the field ofoptimal stopping have since called this problem "Robbins' Problem".References
* Minimizing the expected rank with full information, F. T. Bruss and T. S. Ferguson, "J. Appl. Probab." "Volume" 30, #1 (1993), pp. 616-626
* Half-Prophets and Robbins' Problem of Minimizing the expected rank, F. T. Bruss and T. S. Ferguson, "Springer Lecture Notes in Stat." "Volume" 1 in honor of J.M. Gani, (1996), pp. 1-17
* The secretary problem; minimizing the expected rank with i.i.d. random variables, D. Assaf and E. Samuel-Cahn, "Adv. Appl. Prob." "Volume" 28, (1996), pp. 828-852 [http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=3259597 Cat.Inist]
* What is known about Robbins' Problem? F. T. Bruss, "J. Appl. Probab." "Volume" 42, #1 (2005), pp. 108-120 [http://projecteuclid.org/DPubS?service=UI&version=1.0&verb=Display&handle=euclid.jap/1110381374 Euclid]
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