- Mihály Lajos Jeney
de Jeney: Le Partisan ou l`art de faire la petite-guerre avec succés selon le génie de nos jours - title page from first French edition in 1759
Mihály Lajos Jeney (also known as French author: Louis Michel de Jeney or English name as: Lewis Michael de Jeney or as German combat commander Ludwig Michael von Jeney - b. 1723 or 1724 in Transylvania, d. 1797 in Pécs) – Hungarian military officer and general of Austro-Hungarian Army, mapmaker. Born in noble protestant family, starts military service as hussar probably during 1737-1739 war against Turkey, on 1739-1754 served in Bercsényi hussar regiment. Between 1754 and 1758 served in French army near Rhine as mapmaker. During Seven Years' War 1758-1763 served in Prussian Army as captain of military engineers. On 1787 nominated as major-general of Austro-Hungarian Army as Alt-Gradisko (now: Stara Gradiška in Kroatia) fortress commander. Author of popular manual of tactics: The Partisan, or the Art of Making War in Detachment... published in 1759 (French edition: Hag) and English edition: London 1760, translated into many languages. After Seven Year’s War he provide military survey of Hungarian-Austrian Kingdom and result were 3324 sheets of topographic maps 1:28 000 and 1:96 000.
- Jankó, Annamária: An outstanding person of the 1st military survey: Mihály Lajos Jeney. Budapest: War History Institute and Museum.
de Jeney's "The Partisan" in translations
- de Jeney, L. M. [Louis Michel]: Le Partisan ou l`art de faire la petite-guerre avec succés selon le génie de nos jours. Détaillé Sur des Plans propres á faciliter l`intelligence des Dispositions & de tous les Mouvemens nécessaires aux Troupes Legéres, pour réussir dans leurs Marches, leurs Embuscades, leurs Attaques & leurs Rétraites. Avec une Mèthode aisée pour Guèrir promptement les facheux aux Hommes & aux Chevaux durant la Campagne, Par Mr. de Jeney, Capitaine, ci-devant Ingenieur-Géographe dans l` Etat-major de l`Armée Francoise sur le Bas-Rhin. Constapel, France: Le Haye, 1759. (French edition)
- de Jeney, L. M. [Lewis Michael]: The Partisan, or the Art of Making War in Detachment..."translated from the French of Mr. de Jeney, by an Officer of the Army" [Thomas Ellis]. London: 1760.
- de Jeney: Partyzant, czyli sztuka prowadzenia pomyślnie woyny podjazdowey, według zwyczaju wieku teraźnieyszego.. Supraśl: X.X. Bazylianie, 1770. (Polish edition)
- de Jeney: A portyázó, avagy a kisháború sikerrel való megvívásának mestersége korunk géniusza szerint. Hága, 1759 (edi. József Zachar). Budapest: Magvető Kiadó, 1986. (Hungarian edition)
Further reading
- Grenier, John: The First Way of War: American War Making on the Frontier. Cambridge University Press, 2005. [Discusses impact of Petite Guerre and Jeney on formulation of American and British warfare in North America.]
- Stoker, Donald and Michael W. Jones: "Colonial Military Strategy," in Donald Stoker, Kenneth J. Hagan, and Michael T. McMaster, eds., Strategy in the American War of Independence: A Global Approach (Cass Military Studies). Routledge, 2009, pp. 5-34. [Discusses George Washington's reading of Jeney.]
- Paldus, Jozef: Die militärischen Aufnahmen im Bereiche der Habsburgischen Länder aus der Zeit Kaiser Joseph II. Wien: Alfred Hölder, 1918.
- Zachar, József: Ein ungarischer Klassiker über den Kleinkrieg: Das Werk «Le partisan» von L.M. v. Jeney, erschienen 1759 im Haag, Acta de la Commission internationale d’histoire militaire, n° 13. Helsinki: 1991.
External links
- Louis Michel de Jeney Le Partisan; ou l’art de faire la petite guerre, avec success selon la genié de nos jours French text [retrieved on: July 2008]
- Annamária Jankó "An outstanding person of the 1st military survey: Mihály Lajos Jeney" [retrieved on: July 2008]
Categories:- 1723 births
- 1797 deaths
- Austro-Hungarian Army officers
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