- ClickHereDummy!
Infobox_Company | company_name = ClickHereDummy.com
company_type =Search Engine
foundation =January 16 ,2008
location_city =London
location_country =UK
key_people = Michael Barrett, CEO/Founder
industry =Internet ,Search Engine
company_slogan = the indian search engine
homepage = [http://www.clickheredummy.com www.ClickHereDummy.com] |ClickHereDummy! is a London based search-engine which claims to provide visitors with random links to popular sites. While it is unlikely that the site offers a truly random selection, users are presented with a variety of webpages covering a wide range of topics.
On entering the site, visitors are given a brief description about the site and are shown an animated, red button which links to a different page each time a user clicks it.
ClickHereDummy! was founded in 2008 as an alternative to standard keyword-based search engines. The beta phase of the website was launched in July 2008.
earch Method
Unlike other popular search engines such as
Google andYahoo , ClickHereDummy! does not require users to enter a keyword but to simply click the link [cite web | url=http://www.howtomakeabilliondollars.com/?p=20 | title=HowtoMakeaBillionDollars.com - Article about ClickHereDummy! | accessdate=2008-07-28] . Few details are given about how the site produces its results, but it appears to be a combination of algorithmic selection and human input. [cite web | url=http://www.clickheredummy.com | title=ClickHereDummy.com - ClickHereDummy! information page | accessdate=2008-07-27]Origin of name
ClickHereDummy! was inspired by the phrase commonly used by computer technicians when dealing with someone who is unable to perform a specified task. [cite web | url=http://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/Click+Here+Dummy | title=thefreedictionary.com - Definition of Click Here Dummy | accessdate=2008-07-27]
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